Refugees Foundation e. V.


Volunteer teams on short term missions support long-term volunteers w/manpower & €€€€ in 🇱🇧 , 🇬🇷 , 🇷🇸 & 🇹🇷 and 🇸🇩

Nordrhein-Westfalen, Deutschla
Iscritto a ottobre 2015


Hai bloccato @refugeesontheru

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  1. Tweet fissato
    21 giu

    My very first picture taken on the austro-hungaryan boarder Sept 2015. Where our support for Refugees started - and Hass continued ever since.

  2. 34 minuti fa
  3. 8 ore fa

    It will soon be legal for Saudi women to drive, but some will keep their licences a secret

  4. 20 giu

    Sorry to be a spoilsport guys but Russia's World Cup has a dark, sadistic side. People are being tortured in its name, probably right now as I'm writing this. So let's not pretend this isn't happening because everyone's having so much fun in central Moscow

  5. 8 ore fa

    These are the women Saudi Arabia doesn't want to talk about

  6. 13 ore fa

    Courageous Where driving could mean Saudi Women Can Drive, but Here’s the Real Roadblock

  7. 21 giu

    Wenn wir nicht aufgeben wollen, wenn wir ihn in diesen dramatischen Stunden nicht alleine mit seinen Henkern lassen wollen, dann twittert, mailt und posted, was das Zeug hält! Nein zur im und weltweit!

  8. 22 giu

    China just handed the world a 111-million-ton trash problem, says researchers

  9. 22 giu

    Dear world citizens, Be the voice of today; his execution is still imminent. Give a strong message to 'ian leaders, world leaders, people in charge.

  10. 22 giu

    President Trump has unveiled a new policy reversing the Obama administration's emphasis on protecting "vulnerable" marine environments.

  11. 22 ore fa
  12. 22 giu

    290,000 réfugiés issus de pays en guerre ou en crise (Syrie, Irak, Afghanistan, Nigéria, Somalie, Pakistan, Erythrée) ont trouvé du travail en Allemagne (80% jobs classiques; 20% + précaires). 28 000 jeunes sont en apprentissage (rémunéré). 26 000 cherchent une place d'apprenti

  13. 22 giu

    BREAKING: DHS Sec Kirstjen Nielsen has privately been telling Republican lawmakers that they plan on separating families again, once this all cools down. She thinks the policy works and she supports it 100%. So does Trump. So do most of the Republicans in Congress. Because, evil.

  14. 22 giu

    Finland 🇫🇮 has one of the best education systems in the world. Here's why...

  15. 21 giu

    Next week’s New Yorker

  16. 21 giu

    In 🇹🇿 they beat drums. In 🇺🇦 they laughed. In 🇧🇩 they painted. In 🇺🇬 they danced. In 🇮🇳 they posed. In 🇸🇳 they slammed. In 🇳🇬 they sang. In 🇺🇸 they displayed. Around the 🌏🌍🌎 we came together.

  17. 21 giu
  18. 21 giu

    Marking in Ndokayo w/some of the 241,000 Central African refugees living peacefully among host communities underlined that the virtually forgotten and its humanitarian consequences, including refugees, rather call 4 strong international attention.

  19. 20 giu

    Die Kleine schläft friedlich und ich bin so froh, dass sie das kann. Woanders fallen Bomben, Familienmitglieder werden getötet und viele sterben auf der Flucht. Wieder woanders sperrt man jetzt kleine Kinder allein in Käfige.

  20. 20 giu

    Dear world, Please help us with this tweetstorm to save an Iranian Kurdish political rights activist, , from imminent execution in Iran. Every voice counts 🙏🏻

  21. 21 giu

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