Adriaan J. De Lange


Farmer B. Tech: Industrial Eng. CPUT Savant Royal Protocols Bosjesmansfontein P.O.Box798 Cradock South Africa 5880 Engaged to Katheryn E. Hudson

Iscritto a dicembre 2017
Compleanno: 21 febbraio 1979


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  1. 22 giu

    Even an old wine bag usefull for reflective surfaces. 12V 24W 1000l/H pump on bag, will create the cooling trick on panels, too amp out their output. Rainwater recommended, tap water has calcium nitrates in them that cristilized on the panels.

  2. 22 giu

    UV Rays back into space, a cool bonus.

  3. 22 giu

    Space blanket and old CD's on the pallets too reflex more sunlight onto PV Panels. Humanity in it's infinate wisdom, don't take enough time with contemplating unintended consequences, of turning the planet into a heatsink, with tar roads and buidling. Stuff helping too reflect

  4. 21 giu

    Secondary Inverter Hooked into Primary, running smoothly. Plus a set of panels connected. Stuff too do, the night is still young.

  5. 21 giu

    Hold on tight, and be strong dudess.

  6. 20 giu

    Old 80-85% Efficient 24V, 2kW Invertor. More copper, less capacitors. Old battery bank, good for jobs outside, and the work shop at night. Old 60-100W panels charging this bank, via cheap solar regulators. Fun!

  7. 20 giu

    Palets i'll cover with reflective sheets, I found in my Volvo's Emergency Medikit. 2nd System online soon. Kiss my ass, Eskom.

  8. 20 giu

    Check the input Voltages on your inverter. The higher the input voltage, the more panels you can connect in series. Higher voltage=less resistance in copper cables. Again the short the distance from solar panels too inverter the better. Photo's soon, still building.

  9. 20 giu

    Rap Lyrics later. My inverter has one MPPT, meaning that one solar array is placed for morning and afternoon sun light. A secondary MPPT is used for the other array, afternoon and dusk sun light. That way i get a consistant charge on my battery bank.

  10. 20 giu

    2.4 Kw Invertor Yo, cool enough for a small family, you know. Wiring still, a mess, put in that surge arrestors, else lighting, will fry it, and turn it into a mess.

  11. 20 giu

    PS. DC Current is like a AC/AC the Rock Group. Gut on those groves, DC, can electrocute you like, there is no tomorrow. You feel me peeps. Questions?

  12. 20 giu

    These peeps don't like extreme cold, you know, keep, them indoors, and depth of discharge above 50%, else their recharge cycles are like candles in the wind.

  13. 20 giu

    Yo, Yo, Yo, the Electrons need to flow, like a brother from another mother. 2 Sets of 48V Deep Cycle Lead Acid System bro, the shorter and thicker the copper cables, the less internal resistance, and more efficient the battery pack, functions, Yo.

  14. 20 giu

    PE should go out and support the surfers.

  15. 19 giu

    At University, i could play simulator games for 60 hours straight. Getting smokes and coffee. Stuff too build, time of games, when my kids are big enough.

  16. 19 giu

    Assad needs too answer for his Crimes against Humanity.

  17. 19 giu

    Wow. I need too stop and have a look in th mirror, more.

  18. 18 giu

    wow the world cup is slowing down the internet

  19. 18 giu

    I'll post pictures and mythology too double the output of your solar arrays, with reflective stuff and rainwater sprinklers. Panels can produce double the output with some cooling down, and more solar radiation reflected on them. Don't wait a second on me. Start building

  20. 17 giu

    Moaning noises. Wine is GREAT! If only i have cheese chocolate and tlc


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