Victoria Shadle


Fundraiser working on her Masters in Nonprofit Management at Columbia University. Author of the blog Nonprofit Speak.

Iscritto a gennaio 2018


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  1. 1 ora fa

    Yesss, we need to cut through the business and noise to make sure we’re taking care of our donors. Stewardship should not be an afterthought!

  2. ha ritwittato
    23 ore fa

    ‘#1 reason why major donors give—org has a track record of producing measurable results’ – presso New York Marriott Marquis

  3. 19 ore fa
  4. 19 ore fa

    I LOVE connecting donors with the people impacted by their support and seeing how much they care ❤️

  5. 20 giu

    Anyone following the Facebook fundraiser for that went viral?? Up to $13.5 MILLION! I’m firstly proud and happy to see such an urgent call for a worthy cause supported, but secondly, wow I’m definitely using this as a case study of modern philanthropy/crowdfunding

  6. 20 giu
  7. 20 giu

    An amazing story of a Facebook fundraiser going viral, raising $5 MILLION in a few short days. People want to support causes they care about, especially when there’s true urgency, it’s our job as to give them that opportunity.

  8. 17 giu

    Great blog post from . As one of the community donors not attached to a teacher, it was interesting to see the mix of support and to know that they do need ppl like me giving. As a fundraiser, I loved the transparency & am thinking how can I bring this to my org!

  9. ha ritwittato
    12 giu

    The Giving USA 2018 Report was just released! Individuals have and continue to drive philanthropic giving, accounting for 70% of all giving, an increase of $14.27 billion during the last year.

  10. 15 giu

    Working from home today, the perfect time to have some uninterrupted letter/proposal writing time ...and when else do we fundraisers get to relax and wear sweats!

  11. 14 giu
  12. 14 giu

    Everyone knows that taking children away from their parents is wrong. and should never be separated. Children must be with their parents, not in detention centers or in foster homes. Sign the petitions:

  13. 14 giu

    Simple concepts to keep in mind when qualifying major gift prospects, you already know they have $$$, but 1. Have they shown true interest in your mission? 2. Are they philanthropic?

  14. ha ritwittato
    3 nov 2017

    Before the fighting broke out in 2011, Syria was a vibrant country of 22 million

  15. 13 giu

    LOVED this podcast, hear from a terrible board member on what went wrong. Everyone recruiting board members should listen to this

  16. 12 giu

    Lyft and United Way Join Forces to Provide Free Rides to Those in Need via

  17. 12 giu

    Agreed! Why would a donor want to get involved if our messaging doesn't show that they can really make a difference and if they never hear from real people, just from this anonymous voice speaking for an orgnization

  18. 12 giu
  19. 12 giu

    Thoughts on the best nonprofit podcasts? I’m already listening to , but who else is out there making podcasts?

  20. ha ritwittato
    12 giu

    RT In , it's crucial to catch yourself before making assumptions about the audiences and stakeholders you communicate with. Great read in for those interested:


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