Peter DuttonAccount verificato


Federal Member for Dickson. Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Immigration and Border Protection.

Authorised by Peter Dutton, Liberal Party of Australia, Brisbane
Iscritto a febbraio 2009


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  1. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    The Turnbull Gov has delivered income tax cuts for all Australian workers paying tax. In passing our Personal Income Tax Plan through the Parliament, the Gov has ensured Australians will be paying less tax, and be rewarded for their hard work both now and into the future.

  2. ha ritwittato
    16 giu

    If Labor gets in, so will more illegal arrivals.

  3. ha ritwittato
    14 giu

    What do Bill Shorten and President Trump have in common? They’re both fighting for more investment, more jobs and higher wages in the US. By opposing a lower business tax rate in Australia, Bill Shorten is helping business overseas take investment & jobs away from Australia.

  4. 8 giu

    In 2015 I travelled to Jordan where I issued the first refugee families from Syria and Iraq their humanitarian visas and the Sora family were among them. It was so lovely catching up with them and meeting their newest family member Onita |

  5. 5 giu

    A good outcome from the justice system today with a people smuggler sentenced to six years.

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  6. 3 giu

    The Govt has welcomed the agreement btw & for a $700 million penalty to resolve court action over breaches of the AML/CTF Act.

  7. 29 mag

    I sat down with Laura Tingle to talk about the establishment of Home Affairs. You can watch the full story here:

  8. ha ritwittato
    29 mag

    What is the Department of Home Affairs? explains which offices and agencies were merged to create the super department.

  9. ha ritwittato
    29 mag

    .: There was a Victorian ALP conference; a motion was put forward to close detention centres on Manus and Nauru. What happened during the 'debate'? The CFMEU rode into town on Harley's and closed the debate down. MORE:

  10. 25 mag

    Danny Green has made a huge sacrifice to build a foundation to educate about the devastation of ‘one punch.’ Tonight and I announced the Turnbull Government will fund $750k over 3 years to get the message into the minds of more young Australians

  11. ha ritwittato
    24 mag

    9 years ago today & over 2 years before Daniel was found, Bruce & Denise helped launch Int Missing Persons Day with Australian Federal Police & yesterday visit to office on 13th Anniversary of Foundation starting

  12. 25 mag

    Bill Shorten was in Dickson today right next to the site of the new Petrie University - a project that he hasn't committed a single dollar to. Where's the money Bill?

  13. 24 mag

    This is not a mistake. This is a complete fabrication of a document.

  14. 22 mag

    People forget how much damage the Labor Party did when they dismantled our border protection policies and they are gearing up to do it all again. You can’t trust Labor to keep their word and you can't trust Labor to secure our borders.

  15. 22 mag

    Great article by Troy Bramston on the extraordinary Sir John Carrick

  16. ha ritwittato
    15 mag
  17. ha ritwittato
    14 mag

    We're joined again by first up Indonesia and we'll go from there, a lot to discuss

  18. 14 mag

    It was a great pleasure to swear in Commissioner Michael Outram APM this morning. Michael brings over 30 years in law enforcement experience to the job and will continue to be a great asset to this very important organisation.

  19. 13 mag

    Our thoughts and prayers are with them. Australia stands with Indonesia in condemning this barbaric attack. 2/2

  20. 13 mag

    Our friends & partner agencies in Indonesia have done an excellent job in dealing with the threat of terrorism. Unfortunately evil forces in Surabaya have killed & injured innocent people. 1/2


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