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  1. 19 ore fa

    Un attimo scrivono messaggini d'amore per San Valentino, l'attimo dopo vengono ammazzati. Lauren e David Hogg hanno scritto un libro su per raccontare la loro esperienza. Ne parlo sul online!

  2. " Situational Awareness is the Foundation upon which maintains safety, provides warning, and assesses intentions of adversary actions toward , . and partner satellites." -Gen. Hyten.

  3. 2 ore fa
  4. 5 ore fa

    WATCH: When dealing with the peacefully walking in their hometowns, the brutality far exceeds any brutality ever seen. Video escaped censorship This is why law enforcement forces are keen on getting trained in

  5. 7 ore fa

    Saturday pic..live life ..party hard..work hard and above all Love hard...

  6. 10 ore fa

    There are more guns than people in the

  7. 21 ore fa
  8. 22 giu
  9. 21 giu
  10. 21 giu
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  11. 21 giu
  12. 20 giu
  13. 19 giu

    EPA chief to face Senate panel in August |

  14. 19 giu

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