Kostas Lanaras


Historian-Author. Global citizen interested in politics, armed conflicts, economy, ecology, humanitarian issues and others. Tweets in English and Greek.,

Iscritto a dicembre 2014


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  1. 9 ore fa

    About () crisis. Join in the campaign to support the people of Southern Cameroon (Ambazonia) and to mobilize inernational community to intrevene and apply pressure to Biya regime before it's too late.

  2. 9 ore fa

    Impressive political events developing in . After lifting long-standing state of emegrency and opened talks with opposition, the new Ethiopian PM, Abiy, initiated peace feelers to , lifted the ban on number of media and now this below.

  3. 10 ore fa

    About () crisis. More and more reports on indiscriminate shooting and killing of civilians by Biya troops on various locations in Ambazonia, including Bamenda, like this one by SirMengot .

  4. 10 ore fa

    My followers are in USA(25%), Cameroon(20%)... Get your map too:

  5. 15 ore fa

    27 people followed me and 3 people unfollowed me // automatically checked by

  6. 20 ore fa

    About () crisis. Very disturbing news coming from Bamenda, as ELIE SMITH is reporting. Fow the Western followers, Bamenda is the capital of NW region, has a population of more that 250.000, and is 350 km from 's capital Yaounde.

  7. 21 ore fa

    Very interesting map showing the US exclusive economic zone (EEZ).

  8. 21 ore fa

    My followers are in USA(24%), Cameroon(20%)... Get your map too:

  9. 22 ore fa

    About () crisis. Answering to some followers, Biya course of action is for me stupid and short-sighted. He turned a solvable issue in Ambazonia to a head-on confict and unleashed a spree of violence which will ultimately turn against him.

  10. 23 ore fa

    A article about situation in , both in the south where the Anglophone crisis is escalating and in the north where Boko Haram acts. I cannot comment on or evaluate the article because my knowledge of French is limited, but i post it anyhow.

  11. 22 giu

    I repost the "normal" scene from today's i was talking about in my previous tweet because of technical reasons.

  12. 22 giu

    In , the Biya regime's governor of the NW region described situation in his area as orderly and called on the internally displaced people to return home. In this video below, posted by , you can see a "normal" scene in today's Ambazonia.

  13. 22 giu

    This tweet below, by Jeffrey Smith , applies not only to but actually to all countries under oppressive, military or nor, dictatorships. I could name a few but what is more important to understand is that int'l pressure presupposes active citizens.

  14. 22 giu

    Map of Syria War southern front (Daraa region), which is to be activated any day now, and information on the alleged strategic goals of Assad military forces (SAA) in the course of their attack.

  15. 22 giu

    On economic crisis. Eurozone+INF agree on a light version of debt relief, on monitoring terms after the termination of the bail-out program (August 20) and on fiscal guarantes for smooth re-admission of Greece in international monetary markets.

  16. 22 giu

    2/2 Armed separatists' action in , on the other hand, seems localized and very limited because of vast superiority in firepower of the Biya military forces.

  17. 22 giu

    1/2 Various reports from () on targeted and random killings by Biya regime troops. Roads blocked at a number of locations, power black-out in at least one city, internet down in some areas, tension running high.

  18. 22 giu

    A small but huge for some people step of improvement on inter-Korean relations.

  19. 22 giu

    About the exploitaion of oil reserves in or, if you prefer, the exploitation of by the big oil companies. In any case, 's gov't has closed a deal with AfricaOilCorp but the specifics of the contract are yet to be disclosed.

  20. 22 giu

    A very interesting article about the recent and rising wave of violence in northern . There, Islamic exteremism on one one hand and gov'tal inefficiency on the other constitute a potentially explosive mix.


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