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  1. 2 minuti fa
    In risposta a , e

    Do you have proof of these billions that they've apparently stolen from their own people?! No? I thought not. So, stop the lies & bullshit spreading & keep to the facts please. Thanks. I think it's your own Zionywood everyone should be worried about!

  2. 3 minuti fa

    Democratic Megadonor and Ultra Haim Saban Attacks Senators for Urging Humanitarian Aid to Strip

  3. 49 minuti fa

    vs. controlled anti-American propaganda MUST SEE: Border Patrol Agent Educates CNN Host With Facts via

  4. 22 giu

    When the movement in general was still a dream, oranges conquered Europe's markets in 1880s ... .

  5. 22 giu

    Is Israel an apartheid state? Yes. Israel is an apartheid state, & anyone who doesn't believes this should be ashamed of himself/themselves Facts About : All Israelis Hate the ,the indigenous & land owners for thousands yrs .

  6. 21 giu
  7. 21 giu

    Traditions No matter how violent is sometimes part of a culture.This mentality travels with them.Look @ born in to parents whom are &Anti humanity proves leopard can't change it's spots. pushing 's.

  8. 20 giu

    Under TALMUDIC LAW non-Jewish children are animals. policies see non-Jewish children and people as cattle and its perfectly ok to use them for sex trafficking, organs, slaves (human trafficking) IF people do not believe it RESEARCH.

    Questo contenuto potrebbe includere materiale sensibile. Scopri di più
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  9. 20 giu

    If really represents , they would fight 4 ! In fact, they're fulfilling the interests!

  10. 20 giu

    " has announced that its main enemy in the region is the regime which is 1,100km away & also the bases around Iran which the farthest one is located 700km away. As a result, Iran has set a limit on the range of its missiles" Journalist

  11. 19 giu

    The US, the bastion of , withdrew from the United Nations Human Rights Council accusing it of a chronic bias against Israel, a ppl that persecutes Palestinians, sterilizes African women, kills activist, & bombs sovereign countries

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  12. 18 giu

    The Ambassador of Israel's entity in France, was boycotted by students students. In this video, students leave the amphitheatre chanting: " one solution, stop occupation!" while Aliza Bin-noun, the ambassador was to speak at a conference.

  13. 14 giu

    soldiers are so brave and powerful. They beat palestinian children and then they pose with the distressed child to take photos!!!

  14. 14 giu

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