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Iscritto a marzo 2007


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  1. 3 ore fa

    The Department of Homeland Security stood by the decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program last September in a court filing -- setting up a potential court duel over the future of the program this summer

  2. 4 ore fa

    Koko, the gorilla who mastered sign language, died this week in her sleep at age 46, The Gorilla Foundation says. She was said to have understood some 2,000 words of spoken English.

  3. 4 ore fa

    JUST IN: Women in Saudi Arabia can now legally get behind the wheel of a car as the kingdom lifts its longstanding ban on women driving

  4. 4 ore fa

    "Welcome to America": TIME magazine announced its new cover this week that shows President Trump and the two-year-old Honduran girl crying at the US-Mexico border

  5. 5 ore fa

    Thousands of people marched Saturday through central London on the second anniversary of the Brexit referendum, demanding that the UK government give people a chance to make the final decision on whether it goes into effect next year

  6. 5 ore fa

    Trump's go-it-alone immigration strategy ends in chaos and confusion

  7. 6 ore fa

    Protesters angry over the death of unarmed teen Antwon Rose, who was shot by police this week, marched for the third straight night and a car drove through the crowd, but no injuries were reported

  8. 6 ore fa

    Not long after President Trump signed an order to stop separating children from parents at the border, cautious relief has turned into widespread confusion

  9. 7 ore fa

    Zimbabwe blast rocks stadium in an apparent assassination attempt on President Emmerson Mnangagwa

  10. 7 ore fa

    Canada becomes the second nation in the world to legalize marijuana

  11. 7 ore fa

    First, it was a small bump under her left eye. Five days later, it appeared above the eye. Her upper lip was bulging 10 days after that. This woman took selfies of a lump that kept shifting around her face. Turns out, it was a parasitic worm:

  12. 8 ore fa
  13. 8 ore fa

    The Toyota Century, a car of choice for Japan's elites, just received a rare redesign

  14. 8 ore fa

    NASA has a new plan to stop asteroids and help scientists detect near-Earth objects they haven't been able to find before

  15. 8 ore fa

    A 9-year-old boy in Greece permanently injured his left eye when he repeatedly gazed into a laser pointer's green beam, doctors say

  16. 8 ore fa

    New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern became the first world leader in nearly 30 years to have a child while in office. She gave birth to a baby girl on Thursday.

  17. 9 ore fa

    President Trump claims crime in Germany "is way up." But data from the German government shows that 2017 saw the lowest number of crimes committed there since 1992.

  18. 9 ore fa

    "Quit trying to make us feel teary-eyed for the children. Yes, I love children a great deal, but to me, it's up to the parents to do things rightfully and legally" What some Trump supporters think of family separations at the border:

  19. 9 ore fa

    There's nearly a Nixon 1974 level of public support for impeaching President Trump | Analysis by  

  20. 9 ore fa

    Seth Rogen reveals he refused to take a photo with Paul Ryan


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