Forgotten Refugee


"be my voice"

Iscritto a febbraio 2014
Nato nel 1984


Hai bloccato @Refugee_2013

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  1. ha ritwittato

    تصور کنید کارآفرینان ایرانی و اسرائیلی با یکدیگر همکاری کنند،در ایران و در اسرائیل، برای کمک به تمام بشریت. این آرزوی من است. این چشم انداز من است. این می تواند آینده ما باشد.

  2. ha ritwittato
    14 mag
    In risposta a e

    I need your help. I’m in a really bad situation here in Indonesia. I’m truly sick of my kidney and the UNHCR and CWS both don’t pay attention to me.

  3. 6 mag
  4. ha ritwittato
    3 mag

    I’m getting tired of this life. There’s no way out of . Nobody hear me and help me in this very hard way. Being a is the worst thing in this world.

  5. ha ritwittato
    5 mag

    Can anyone help ? We need a plan so he has a future

  6. 3 mag

    I’m getting tired of this life. There’s no way out of . Nobody hear me and help me in this very hard way. Being a is the worst thing in this world.

  7. ha ritwittato
    27 feb

    It's almost 5 years I’m living in as a , No country has contacted me for resettlement yet, the Indonesian government also does not allow me to work! I’m absolutely stuck and forgotten in this country.

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  8. ha ritwittato
    27 feb

    I only have one (sick) kidney and it’s very dangerous for me without medical care. I truly need to move from to third country to take tests on my kidney.

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  9. ha ritwittato
    27 feb

    There must be someone who can help @Eshaghi_ He is a refugee stuck in Indonesia looking to start a new life somewhere he is a Young man please give him hope!

  10. 27 feb

    I only have one (sick) kidney and it’s very dangerous for me without medical care. I truly need to move from to third country to take tests on my kidney.

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  11. 27 feb

    It's almost 5 years I’m living in as a , No country has contacted me for resettlement yet, the Indonesian government also does not allow me to work! I’m absolutely stuck and forgotten in this country.

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  12. ha ritwittato
    28 gen

    There is still no good news for in Indonesia!

  13. ha ritwittato
    28 ott 2017

    No good news for in ! , , and won’t take us to their countries in this year...

  14. ha ritwittato
    23 gen

    Dozens murdered, condition of many 100s more unknown, each day news of another victim. As regime conceals/distracts from its , I ask & groups to demand release of detainees + access for to inspect prisons

  15. ha ritwittato
    14 gen

    Another young protester has been tortured to death by the Islamic Republic, this time in Sanandaj. My condolences to the family of 24-year-old Saro Ghahremani and all Iranians. - we will always remember your name.

  16. 28 gen

    There is still no good news for in Indonesia!

  17. 10 gen
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  18. 10 gen
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  19. 10 gen
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  20. 10 gen
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