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Dalia El Fiki
Senior Public Information Assistant at UNHCR. Tweets are my own, and do not represent the views of my employer. RTs ≠ endorsements
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Galaxy4Peace Aug 22
We will join & to learn more about social media for refugees tomorrow from Lagos
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Za'atari Camp Aug 22
Zaatari Office for Employment will be inaugurated today. This will provide opportunity for Camp to obtain work permits in Jordan.
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Stefano Severe Aug 22
Refugees in can use their work permit as a leave permit, facilitating mobility and helping them make the most of their jobs.
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Olga Sarrado Mur Aug 22
Big media attention today during the inauguration of Jordan's first employment office for Syrian refugees in
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Brendan McDonald Aug 19
Cafe - -Gets $63,000 Grant to Expand Refugee Aid Program
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Kate D'Amico Aug 18
doesn’t wait: explore ’s life-saving work with pregnant :
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Malala Fund Aug 12
Malala Fund mourns the passing of our friend Andy Needham. Thru , Andy helped introduce to many girls in Iraq and Jordan.
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UN Refugee Agency Aug 18
Anyone who flees their home because of conflict has the right to live in safety and dignity. Refugees and displaced people are .
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UNHCR Innovation Aug 9
Cities are both the culprits + the source of innovative solutions to mega-trends that affect refugees.
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Dalia El Fiki Aug 18
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UNHCR Yemen Aug 18
Hear from 's on what it's like being an aid worker and why humanitarian work is so important.
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UN Refugee Agency Aug 17
“Where I was living they were killing people” Read Tabu's story- the 1 millionth refugee from in
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Dalia El Fiki Aug 18
Saving tiny lives in , regardless of nationality
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Dalia El Fiki Aug 18
After being held captive by armed groups in Iraq for 3 years, 13-year-old Emad reunites with his mother in Winnipeg
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Dalia El Fiki Aug 18
One million have sought safety in since last July. Over 85% are &
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Lotte Leicht Aug 18
"Soldiers burned our houses, took our cattle, and almost murdered my whole village” atrocities continue
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UNHCR Yemen Aug 14
Ongoing conflict, compounded with cholera + pockets of famine, continues to take its toll on civilians in .
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UN Refugee Agency Aug 17
Underfunding means many receive 50% less food. Refugees urgently need more support.
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Mercy Hands Jul 24
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Scott Craig Jul 26
Bringing facts back to conversation
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