Catherine Stubberfield


Catherine Stubberfield, Spokesperson for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Regional Representation in Canberra. Retweets ≠ endorsements.

Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
Iscritto a dicembre 2013


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  1. Tweet fissato
    19 giu

    Strange to say "Happy " when we all wish it was unnecessary. But there is so much to celebrate about refugees: courage; resilience; the indomitable strength of hope + love. Today is for you - who teach us what humanity is. I will always be proud to say I knew you.

  2. 21 giu

    Delightful to see this moment of joy for refugee children in . Amid intense challenges and humanitarian needs, also hope and celebration.

  3. 20 giu

    Huge thanks to Australia for this solidarity with + Bangladesh - the world's fastest growing refugee crisis. UNHCR staff + safety volunteers are continuing to work + NGO partners to repair damage from the monsoon and provide emergency response.

  4. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    On Australia is proud to provide additional humanitarian assistance to meet the urgent needs of people in , supporting the delivery of food, shelter, health and protection services

  5. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    UNHCR thanks + Lord Mayor for standing + welcoming families forced to flee. An important message of solidarity, at a moment when conflict + persecution are uprooting millions of people worldwide.

  6. ha ritwittato
    19 giu

    On let’s stand — it’s not illegal for people to seek protection from persecution, and we should be compassionate and welcoming towards refugees who are resettled here

  7. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    Hey folks, today is World Refugee Day, I recorded this little vid backstage on the last tour to show my support for UNHCR and everything today stands for. Equality, understanding and freedom for all... I stand 💙

  8. Annulla
  9. 19 giu

    A vulnerable young man, his mother and family who desperately needed help, medical care and a long-term future outside of Australia's "offshore processing." Far too many tragedies that are foreseeable and preventable.

  10. ha ritwittato
    19 giu

    While this number may be almost too much to digest, behind it are incredible individual stories of bravery & resilience. Never forget refugees are driven by something most of us take for granted - protecting their families and themselves from danger

  11. 19 giu

    "They're not just statistics + headlines, they're human beings." "No-one deserves to live in fear for their lives or for their families lives." Terrific to see + standing . Thank you!

  12. 19 giu

    "Despite images of refugees fleeing to Europe, 85% are in developing nations - most neighbouring countries they fled." Many have admirably hosted refugees for years w scarce resources. Support is needed not only for refugees, but communities who host them.

  13. 19 giu

    Encouraging signs from New Zealand on the eve of . Each and every person welcomed as a new Kiwi under this much-needed quota is a life forever changed for the better.

  14. 19 giu

    In 2017, over half the world's were . Protecting + supporting them is a critical investment in the future. Read more in UNHCR's Global Trends report, released today:

  15. 19 giu

    Over 655,000 refugees fled to safety in Bangladesh in 2017. Borders must remain open because there are no other choices for people fleeing war + persecution. Asylum is a lifeline - it needs strengthening, defending + supporting.

  16. ha ritwittato
    18 giu

    Tomorrow is . Right now there are 65.6 million forcibly displaced kids, women & men, 22.5 million (roughly Australia's population) of whom are officially refugees. Post your support using and donate to to help.

  17. 19 giu

    UNHCR's Deputy Regional Representative Nai Jit Lam on our Global Trends Report, released today: "Developing countries are taking the majority of - they need political support + resources. Asylum is a and everybody has a part to play."

  18. 19 giu

    UNHCR's 2017 Global Trends Report released today - 85% of the world's under UNHCR's mandate are in developing countries. Perspective is needed on these international challenges. Responsibility-sharing + solidarity are critical.

  19. 19 giu

    Celebrating with Migrant & Refugee Settlement Services ACT. Minister for Multicultural Affairs Rachel Stephen-Smith: “The ACT stands every year and every day.” Grateful to Canberra for being an enduring city of welcome for people forced to flee.

  20. ha ritwittato
    19 giu

    From Syria to Australia: leaving war and music behind. Our colleague Joel's inspiring and amazing story of survival via


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