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Australia for UNHCR
Australia for UNHCR is dedicated to providing life-changing humanitarian support to refugees, displaced and stateless people.
Australia for UNHCR 9h
Calling out to all you daring Victorians! Fancy getting fit while raising money to provide emergency aid? >
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Australia for UNHCR 17h
Mexican shelter welcomes LGBTI refugees:
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Australia for UNHCR 17h
"As well as saving lives, there’s work to be done improving lives and securing futures" - A new approach to refugees
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Australia for UNHCR Aug 27
Mexican shelter welcomes LGBTI refugees:
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Australia for UNHCR Aug 27
Don't miss an exclusive Q&A with UNHCR Special Representative live from Lebanon. Submit your Q today:
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国連UNHCR協会 Aug 25
Yusra fled Syria, swimming the Aegean pushing a boat of refugees. She was in the Rio Olympics. Monday she'll join us here live at 1pm (JST)
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Australia for UNHCR Aug 26
4:30 Raul gets out of bed. Today, like every day, he's determined to give his family a better life. Stand with him
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Australia for UNHCR Aug 26
"I'm worried that you might already be married to someone else now." This is heartbreaking. via
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Australia for UNHCR Aug 25
Add your voice to a global movement to protect the rights of refugees. Join with us to stand
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Australia for UNHCR Aug 25
Reza from Afghanistan baked his guardian, Marina, a cake to say "Cheers for helping out!"
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Australia for UNHCR Aug 25
With your help we'll build a Vocational Training Centre in Uganda to help thousands of young refugees build a future
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Australia for UNHCR Aug 25
What’s going on in Syria? 1 in 4 schools have been damaged, destroyed or used for shelter.
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Australia for UNHCR Aug 25
Don't miss an exclusive Q&A with UNHCR Special Representative live from Lebanon. Submit your Q today:
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UN Refugee Agency Aug 24
Meet the young Iraqi refugee who found peace, a home, and even a new grandmother in Finland:
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Australia for UNHCR Aug 24
"Refugees bring something special to a workplace"
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Australia for UNHCR Aug 24
drop books throughout Brisbane to spark conversations: via
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Australia for UNHCR Aug 23
Find out how you can help Iraqi families
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Australia for UNHCR Aug 23
"As well as saving lives, there’s work to be done improving lives and securing futures" - A new approach to refugees
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Australia for UNHCR Aug 23
With your help we'll build a Vocational Training Centre in Uganda to help thousands of young refugees build a future
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UNHCR Yemen Aug 22
Because every child deserves a safe and dignified childhood we support community centres in for refugee + Yemeni kids to learn + play
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