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Our Op-Ed in the
@IrishTimes to mark#WorldRefugeeDay "It’s time we faced up to this burning political issue on behalf of those who don’t have a vote and work to create a fair and just asylum system in Ireland – something closer to a true republic of opportunity for all." …Mostra questa discussioneGrazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
Irish Refugee Council ha ritwittato
Just heard Sikhulekile Ruth from
@EuropeanYouthMF on Radio 1’s#thisweek talking about access to 3rd level education and the#righttowork . Good job!Grazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
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Great atmosphere, weather and most of all football. Come on down!
#FairPlayCup2018 …Grazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
Irish Refugee Council ha ritwittato
Honoured to share a panel with some courageous speakers raising awareness of the issues faced by LGBT+ asylum seekers - under-represented in both the asylum seeker and LGBT communities in Ireland
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Pioneering work from Nasc and an amazing community in Wicklow. Check out Irish Times article also: … …
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Irish Refugee Council ha ritwittato
From Syria to Wicklow: Read all about our work with
@WSA to deliver Ireland's first Refugee Community Sponsorship Project#CommunitySponsorship … via@IrishTimesLifeMostra questa discussioneGrazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
Excellent blog from
@ecre on the latest EU asylum negotiations. "In short, it is a right bloody mess." …Grazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
@sariireland and@UNHCRIreland this Sunday for the 9th Annual#WorldRefugeeDay Fair Play Cup at The Law Society, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7 from 10am till 5pm. It is held to draw attention to the millions of refugees who have been forced to leave their Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
Irish Refugee Council ha ritwittato
Working hard to secure slot in Dail for my Family Reunification Bill which passed all stages in Seanad in March
@OxfamIreland@NascIreland@IrishRefugeeCo@Fiona_Kildare …Grazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
Irish Refugee Council ha ritwittato
Tomorrow 12 noon in Eyre Square
#Galway join GARN to stand against the fear mongering and xenophobia that leads to human rights abuses against refugees, migrants and asylum seekers#WorldRefugeeDay#AllTribesWelcome … Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
Irish Refugee Council ha ritwittatoGrazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla
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Essential research and recommendations from Jesuit Refugee Service Ireland published today. 'Sharing Responsibility, Saving Lives Reframing Ireland's Response to the EU Refugee Crisis and Beyond' -Welcome -Protect -Promote
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Irish Refugee Council ha ritwittato
#Dublin we are waiting for you at
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@_IHREC criticises 'retrogressive' measures on family reunification in#Ireland … via@irishlegalnewsGrazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
#Irish#universities are now helping people seeking asylum to progress onto third level#education. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
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Irish Refugee Council ha ritwittato
@IrishRefugeeCo@Memzers@immigrationIRL Say now the King banish you Why you must needs be strangers To find a nation That breaking out in hideous violence Would not afford you an abode on earth This is the strangers’ case And this your mountainish inhumanity …2:19Grazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
Irish Refugee Council ha ritwittato
Great to be working with
@Fiona_Kildare on Family Reunification Bill already passed in Seanad. It amends International Protection Act & would#KeepFamiliesTogether. Ready to go to Dail. Now waiting a time slot. Needs to be prioritized@OxfamIreland@IrishRefugeeCo@NascIreland …Grazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla
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