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  1. 4 ore fa
    In risposta a , e

    The will is there but let be realistic, do not give in to the inevitability All we need is to recognize the connection and accept to join together, doesn't a matter how big or small someone is, share mutual resources N O W!!!

  2. 6 ore fa

    “Short-term planning it isn't the way forward.”

  3. 14 ore fa

    This is proof that Uganda is working towards fulfilling many being one of them.

  4. 21 giu

    Connectivity with the crew in Namibia has been nil, but this AM was able to send a photo of our work. With very little resources, we can deliver eyeglasses virtually anywhere.

  5. 21 giu
    In risposta a

    This is one of my best selfies 🤳 I have seen today. To those who leave all behind and head to enemy lines to save others.

  6. 21 giu

    "All children have the right to grow up in a caring, nurturing family environment. For refugee children, preserving family unity is crucial for their protection & well-being" - .

  7. 21 giu
  8. 20 giu

    Interestingly, a large part of founders in impact companies have female CEOs. Great to see a panel talking investments, blockchain, SDGs and impact.

  9. 20 giu
  10. 20 giu
  11. 20 giu

    MT : Investing in during first 1000 golden days of a child is decisive for grey matter infrastructure: the cognitive hardware. Brains, not well developed at age of 2, no way to repair/improve.

  12. 19 giu

    30 years after warning of global warming: They were right Question is, how do we get ourselves out of this mess??

  13. 19 giu
  14. 19 giu

    Critical that are at the core of the goals

  15. 18 giu
    Mostra questa discussione
  16. 18 giu
  17. 17 giu

    1-No Poverty 2-No Hunger 3-Health 4-Education 5-Gender Equality 6-Water& sanitation 7-Clean energy 8-Economies 9-Innovation 10-Reduced inequality 11-Cities 12-Reduce Consumption 13-Climate 14-Ocean 15-Biodiversity 16-Peace 17-Partnerships

  18. 16 giu

    Often ingenuity comes at the heels of competition; this sector, at large, has long needed modernization and the efficiencies that come w/. Smells like progress to me. 🤞🏽

  19. 15 giu
  20. 15 giu

    Good reminder from Emily Vargas-Baron of 4.2 - access for all children to quality

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