Risultati della ricerca
  1. 1 ora fa

    A thousand questions without answers in the eyes of Syrian children ...

  2. 2 ore fa

    All children deserve to live in peace and joy...

  3. 4 ore fa

    Children teach us love ...

  4. 5 ore fa

    We must all protect the children, they have no faults...

  5. 5 ore fa

    Millions of Children in Syria living a nightmare of hunger, homelessness and fear...

  6. 5 ore fa

    Good Sunday world ... the smiles of children fills my heart with joy ...

  7. 21 ore fa

    Never underestimate the power of love...

  8. 23 giu

    To pay the highest price are always the children ...

  9. 22 giu

    Syrian children have learned to be mothers and fathers for babies ...

  10. 22 giu

    Every child is our child ...

  11. 22 giu

    Peace is a dream .... but children deserve this dream ...

  12. 22 giu

    Still Syrian children forced to leave their homes, their friends, their school ...

  13. 21 giu

    Chiunque abbia dei figli non può non provare ribrezzo per quanto accade ogni giorno in questo mondo che stiamo lasciando comandare a qualche poco di buono.

  14. 21 giu

    After seven years of war, the war is not over for Syrian children ...

  15. 21 giu

    Reality...young kids having panic attacks, they can’t sleep, they have nightmares...

  16. 19 giu

    About half of the Syrian refugees are children ...

  17. 18 giu

    Children should be in schools not on the streets working in danger...

  18. 18 giu

    Syrian children want to forget the suffering...

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