Joe EnglishVerified account


Covering humanitarian crises in the Press Office | + more | Views offered are my own

New York
Joined December 2011


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  2. “It feels like an eternity to know I won’t be able to see my daughter and I can’t hold her.. I feel like I’m going to die." Migrant parents wait and hope for their children | Heartbreaking report by

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    The lasting trauma of being torn away from your parents at the border | reports for

  4. "If people want to write about my mum’s bathroom in her house, all I have to tell you is that 15 years ago, we were cleaning toilets in Stonebridge & getting breakfast out of the vending machine. If anybody deserves to be happy, it’s my mum" Yes

  5. The lasting trauma of being torn away from your parents at the border | reports for

  6. These details... "After the U.S. government filed removal paperwork against him, the boy was expected—at the age of eight—to represent himself in immigration court. (Immigrant children have no legal right to public counsel.)" Report by

  7. Jun 21

    "The constant sound of emergency blankets rustling. Zero natural light. Four-year-old children wailing throughout the night. Getting woken up with a kick to the ribs." Teens describe life inside a US Detention Center | reports

  8. Jun 21

    Horrific. "Immigrant children as young as 14 housed at a juvenile detention center in Virginia say they were beaten while handcuffed and locked up for long periods in solitary confinement, left nude and shivering in concrete cells."

  9. Jun 21

    "Essentially, this means that after the 20-day mark, children may still be separated from their parents." | via

  10. Jun 21

    Millions of British children breathing toxic air, putting them at risk of serious, long-term health conditions warns | via

  11. Jun 21

    "During the first twelve days that she spent in federal custody, Rivera had no idea where her son was. She stopped eating, could barely sleep, and cried constantly." | via

  12. Jun 21

    Bruce speaks out about the “Disgracefully inhumane and un-American” scenes at the border | via David Remnick in the

  13. Jun 21

    Dr. Colleen Kraft () explains the health risks that come with separating kids from their parents to

  14. Jun 21

    Many families are coming from exceedingly violent corners of Central America and aren't just traveling to the US for better jobs or more economic opportunities. Some are literally fleeing for their lives." Important piece by @AmandaWaPo

  15. Jun 20

    “We’ve seen young kids having panic attacks, they can’t sleep, they’re wetting the bed. They regress developmentally, where they may have been verbal but now they can no longer talk.”

  16. Jun 20

    "We are seeing things right now on our American borders that are so shockingly and disgracefully inhumane and un-American that it is simply enraging"

  17. Jun 20

    For the women and children hoping to cross into the US, the options are death at home or forced separation in Texas | More vital reporting by

  18. Jun 20

    “We need that port to stay open at any price.. Closing Hodeidah means that you’re cutting the last artery to Yemen” tells

  19. Retweeted

    At this moment we're rightly focused on kids being separated from parents at the border but Trump's policies have been tearing apart refugee families for over a year

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  20. Jun 20

    "It’s all part of the suffering and humiliation women have to endure because of harsh tradition" | Important report by in , where a taboo Is leading to the deaths of young girls


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