Risultati della ricerca
  1. The took to on a Lessons from visit. It was part of their 'Say No to ' campaign. made a video about this important project:

  2. 11 ore fa

    & including & , teamed up on tandem bicycle rides through the German capital in a protest against growing & attacks on Muslims in the country.

  3. 13 ore fa

    Romania🇷🇴 passes legislation against with nearly unanimous support. Spread of antisemitic speech, materials, or symbols now punishible with up to 5 years in prison.

  4. Councillors hearing from Holocaust Survivor Mindu Hornick (who got a standing ovation) ’s Alex Webster ’s Phil Lyons at the breakout session at seminar

  5. 19 ore fa

    Today the House of One joins initiative. Rabbis and Imams on a bike-tour through against & . We drive and thrive for mutual respect & ! Here we go!

  6. 22 ore fa

    finds Andrew Marr guilty of rules breach over a 'misleading' claim that killed 'lots of Palestinian kids'

  7. 24 giu

    E alla fine il vecchio antisemitismo classico con l'ebreo sanguisuga riappare anche nella politica italiana is back

  8. 23 giu

    Jews should abandon 's Labour Party over anti-Semitism, leading Rabbi Baroness Neuberger says

  9. 22 giu

    Chief of the : Corbyn “must accept claims are justified”

  10. 22 giu
  11. 21 giu
    In risposta a , e

    Thank you for taking a stand against .

  12. 21 giu

    A regular slot. Anyone noticed (LFI or CFI) now the elections are over, there is no daily propaganda? The BoD of British Jews used faith to manipulate voting. How can anyone accept that being done to their Religion?

  13. 21 giu
  14. 21 giu

    Last night, terror organization fired 45 rockets from at 's civilian communities, deliberately targeting men, women, children.

  15. 21 giu

    What's it like living under Hamas' rocket fire from Gaza? Adel, a resident of a Kibbutz targeted by , shares her experience from last night's massive barrage of rockets fired from . 🎧Listen:

  16. 20 giu

    Mad when somebody who constantly shouts at one of the most devout defenders of equality, outs himself as a racist.

  17. 20 giu

    Why the hell are demanding that be sacked by the BBC for alleged racism?? Such hypocrisy. Might be better if you took the problem seriously

  18. 20 giu

    The hypocrisy would knock you down with a feather. Racism is racism. This reminds me of Tommy Robinson supporters screaming about his Human Rights while saying Trumps "brown people" camps are justified. Rather than delete ur post, delete ur account.

  19. 19 giu

    School Project Competition in 🇨🇾. Moving award Ceremony with H.E Minister & Impressive students projects. Holocaust is a very important lesson to future generations to reject & .

  20. 17 giu

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