

Pro- European, Christian, Middle & Working Class, Heterosexuality 🇨🇭🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Iscritto a febbraio 2017


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  1. Tweet fissato
    5 mag

    How did Jews get to be so powerful? Jews are parasites. Their religion tells them they are the "chosen people". They have interpreted this to mean the world must serve them. The fact that they believe this in a religious sense makes it all the more dangerous.

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  2. 16 ore fa

    Full democracy doesn't work, because there are too many dumb people voting, also too many vote for welfare. Both the right to vote and the right to office should be restricted to the middle and working class.

  3. 22 giu

    Genetics matters for every race. The fact that somes races, on average, have better genetics, doesn't mean that those races shouldn't worry about it. Things to think about include having kids at peak fertility (20s) and subsidizing high-iq genetics.

  4. 20 giu

    If non-whites feel they have a claim to the land which comprises America, fine, let them have some. But don't let them into the communities that our ancestors built for us from wilderness. There is no justification for mixing.

  5. 19 giu

    The onslaught of white hatred has been a shock for most of us. We have been living in a bubble for too long. Many are trying to sympathize with the antiwhites. Won't work. This is being fueled by the most powerful people on the planet, who want us dead.

  6. 19 giu

    Every single time. Jewish supremacy is a far bigger issue than white supremacy. But they deflect onto us because they are cowards.

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  7. 18 giu

    Open borders for us. They will still live behind their walls, and security guards.

  8. 18 giu

    Every single time

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  9. 16 giu

    There should be a minimum wage and basic animal and human rights laws implemented which ALL countries must adhere to. Countries which abuse people and animals should be boycotted. Purchasing unethical goods fuels expansion of unethical companies.

  10. 12 giu

    This is liberals in 10 years. Their selfishness knows no boundaries.

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  11. 12 giu

    "Forcing parents to raise their children is a form of slavery and places children above all other humans by giving them a right that no other people have. Parents are not children's property."

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  12. 8 giu

    This was true 100 years ago, now our race has become decadent and weak through years of easy living. Predators are lining up to pick off the weakest.

  13. ha ritwittato
    8 giu

    Mercy is not the absence of justice. Mercy is constructive justice as opposed to destructive. You could kill your enemy, or give him a chance to become a friend.

  14. 7 giu

    Our enemies are so arrogant they think they can portray rapists as poor victims and we will accept it.

  15. 5 giu

    Jesus preached mercy while he was on earth. But God is pure Judgement in the world to come. He came to this world as the lowest. But in the next world he is the Highest. Anti-christians mock Christ for being a soft touch. They will be in for a rude awakening.

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  16. 5 giu

    Useless people emigrate from undeveloped countries to developed countries. Useful people emigrate from developed countries to undeveloped countries.

  17. 1 giu

    Lefties value feelings over facts. In this way they act like religious fanatics.

  18. 29 mag

    Anyone who is anti Halal but silent on Kosher, Anti FGM but silent on MGM (circumcision), Anti Islam but silent on Judaism, Is nothing but a hypocrite and a subversive.

  19. ha ritwittato
    27 mag
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  20. ha ritwittato
    17 mag

    21. Speaking of slaughtering, it is customary for slaughterhouses to stun animals before they are slaughtered as it's the least cruel. Jewish law requires the animal to be fully conscious and hung upside down so it chokes on its own blood when its neck is cut from ear to ear.

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