

I am a mixed race Burmese. Myanmar=Burma=MM. I love cats, history, nature and wildlife. Tweet mostly for MM right now.

Iscritto a agosto 2017


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  1. Tweet fissato
    8 mag

    “ethnic cleansing” Bengalis huge immigration waves In 1871 | 21.05% of total population In 1956 | 93% Rakhine In 1871 | 62% of total population In 1956 | 3% Bengalis = Chittagonian Bengali = now self-identifying Rohingya

  2. 4 ore fa

    Overcoming the outages: how to keep the lights on in | One of the main reasons behind frequent Yangon power outages is weakness in transmission & distribution network, which could be improved if more money were available & not going to subsidies.

  3. 24 giu
  4. 24 giu

    Once upon a time

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  5. 24 giu

    There are many solid archaeological evidences to support would've certainly been prevalent in Arakan-- before 19th century. Well-known Mahamuni Buddha, Mrauk-U & Shitthaung temples together with manuscripts, inscriptions & silver coins are telling everything.

    Mostra questa discussione
  6. 24 giu

    Archaeological evidence of Buddhist links between Sri Lanka and Arakan -today - | History can be rewritten but NOT archaeological evidences The light of truth, the light of justice will destroy the dark plans sooner and forever.

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  7. 24 giu

    kill 7 people on June 22 | MP La Hsaing said “Flooding hit about 20 villages on Uru River and other wards in tsp. every year as the bed level of Uru River rises. Flooding damaged hundreds of houses.....

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  8. 24 giu

    kill 7 people on June 22 | It rained cats and dogs since 7 am till noon. 2 children died due to landslide in . Around 4 scavengers died at SithuMining block.

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  9. ha ritwittato
    24 giu

    Do you know that the world’s second tallest statue is located in ?

  10. 23 giu

    Abandoned city & hundreds of temples & pagodas at lie across rolling northern State hilltops & form an awe-inspiring sight, whilst providing an experience quite unlike anything else in

  11. 23 giu

    Again, 4 Bengalis arrested on drug charges in Mayu II campaign.

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  12. 23 giu

    A lot of found in mosque | But Ro lobbyists are outcrying like such freedom, much democracy, no religious freedom without FACT checking. But always ready to demonize . They have no shame/dignity. Well, they will NEVER.

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  13. 23 giu

    As usual, on a killing spree. Non-stop barbaric act! It was a pre-meditated murder | Police and local sources said, on Monday night the members of a Rohingya militant group murdered Rohingya leader Arifullah by slitting his throat, in front of everyone.

  14. 23 giu

    Only if a prayer ritual is done in auspicious day at the right time. 😏

  15. 23 giu
  16. ha ritwittato
    22 giu

    All companies in shall re-register (free-of-charge) due to system upgrade at the directorate

  17. 23 giu

    The best ever joke of the day "An estimated 90% of female refugees were raped during the Burmese Military takeover of State around nine months ago."

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  18. ha ritwittato
    22 giu

    🗣 “Our long-term partnership with the MNL will ensure that we help the country develop its football infrastructure over a sustained period, providing local fans with more opportunities to watch and participate in their favourite sport.” Group Managing Director, Danny Menken

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  19. 23 giu

    When faced with nostalgic memory, I twit. Geometry box (mathematical set) including: 1 compass, 1 divider, 4pcs ruler set, 1 short pencil, 1 eraser

  20. ha ritwittato
    23 giu

    Dryden bobcat was being sneaky and looked surprised when he realized that Keeper MaryLou caught him. Photo by MaryLouGeis

  21. ha ritwittato
    22 giu

    From : "Full tummies and clean blankies. All is quiet at least for the next few hours. 😽"


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