Risultati della ricerca
  1. 2 ore fa
  2. 5 ore fa
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  4. 21 ore fa

    We are so thankful for our friends at @stan_state_art ❤️ this wonderful university has gone above and beyond to help and the traveling . .

  5. 21 giu
  6. 20 giu

    Today, on and every day, we should honour the strength and resilience of refugees. Seeking safety is not a crime. needs to do more and stop subjecting people fleeing war, violence and persecution to more harm and suffering

  7. 20 giu

    Our participant recently visited the reception centre in . In occasion of the we'd like to share the thoughts she expressed in her article. Read it here!

  8. 20 giu

    German NGO sends €50 000 to finance aid in camp. Residents of Solingen, Germany have collected huge amounts of € to secure a doctor and a nurse in the camp

  9. 20 giu

    Kids therapeutic storytelling in Kids sufferings are getting no better on

  10. 20 giu

    Storytelling as a therapeutic healing for Kids escaping war and resisting the horror of means nothing to them

  11. 19 giu

    Ha I escaped Reaper's ultimate (ignore the fact I leave my team behind) and killed them all

  12. 18 giu
  13. 18 giu

    The EU locks up migrant kids too. Just saying. Before we all get on our moral high horses and exceptionalise the US.

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  14. 17 giu

    - Cosa sta succedendo nell’ di sull’isola greca di ? I 600 curdi sfollati, l’immobilismo istituzionale e la diplomazia europea. Di Vittoria Morrone

  15. 17 giu
  16. 16 giu
  17. 15 giu

    June's Newsletter is out! Come check out some exciting happenings going on at the Bates Hunter Mine!

  18. 15 giu

    I feel like this is exactly something Moria would say. xD

  19. 15 giu

    'But this Door was not made to be a secret known only to Dwarves,' said , coming suddenly to life and turning round. 'Unless things are altogether changed, eyes that know what to look for may discover the signs.'

  20. 15 giu

    Morai Force wielder guild Ahsoka way concept

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