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  1. 1 minuto fa

    From what I can gather, politicians who claim to be christian are not that keen on the compassion thing or the not lying stuff.

  2. completely unenlightened to the fact that the sort of nasty, bigoted, brutal and abusive behaviour he engages in is almost certainly to do with his sense of personal insecurity, fear and self-hatred. Sad F. Not fit.

  3. Soft c0ck reactionary, insecure, hate-monger amuses us all by calling Albo "soft".

  4. 15 minuti fa

    My son is going to be left behind': Brisbane mother's countdown to deportation #26681 ++ n/a 's

  5. 4 ore fa
  6. 5 ore fa

    People of please remember that according to your MP you can't show compassion to fellow human beings. Please don't show compassion to him just vote out at the next election.

  7. 18 ore fa

    has shown himself to be cruel, inhumane, inflexible, tone deaf, and also holds a grudge like a Class A bitch.

  8. 24 giu

    Deportation "home", no, Queensland is their home. Stop destroying families

  9. 24 giu
    In risposta a

    would also have sent the Black Shirts around to deal with the Innkeeper for showing excessive compassion.

  10. 23 giu

    yesterday saying just one act of compassion will ruin everything....well, does this mean it's all stuffed. The boats will come, refugees pouring in? BS - free the , all of them now. Compassion is a good quality!

  11. 23 giu

    A hand full of pictures caused to back down on . Now you know why prohibits on & 😡

  12. 23 giu

    's new lyrics for national anthem: "Australians all let us rejoice for we are cruel and mean We've cold dead hearts and racism We hate all empathy Our land abounds in Liberal gifts Of greed and bigotry In history's page, let ev'ry stage Advance Australia where?"

  13. 23 giu

    Only an evil sociopath would warn AGAINST compassion. Not surprising that has done just that. And backs him up. Abhorrent pricks.

  14. 23 giu

    $80billion for me and my big biz mates and these treats for you. Okay?

  15. 23 giu
    In risposta a , e

    And would too cos like a serial killer he’s getting more daring & less careful by the day.

  16. 23 giu

    Day 325 of peaceful protests on . When we have forgotten the of those who seek safety, we lose our own humanity. calls a dangerous thing and urges us not to feel it. Terrible advice from a failed former health minister.

  17. 23 giu
  18. 23 giu

    Shorter "If we show any compassion now, it would be cruel and dangerous"

  19. 23 giu

    At least as many returned asylum seekers have died after refoulement by Dutton’s ABF as have died in his illegal detention centres. Not one of these people has committed a crime but they’ve suffered endless trauma and then a death sentence.

  20. 19 giu

    Australians have been shocked in recent days to see the US lock up traumatised children in cages, separated from their parents. It’s time to realise we do even worse.

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