Fathi Bashe


Activist. Passionate promoter of . Founder . Humanitarian at heart. 🇺🇳

Hargeisa, Somaliland
Iscritto a aprile 2014


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    13 ore fa
    In risposta a

    It’s a worry. Many policies need to change a much investment is needed to achieve the .

  3. ha ritwittato
    14 ore fa

    's growth is expected to accelerate to 7.2% this year. Addressing stunting could help get even better results in terms of economic & human capital.

  4. ha ritwittato
    19 ore fa
  5. 12 ore fa
  6. ha ritwittato
    23 ore fa

    I so much love and I love more when they are circulating in . I so much love touching physically books, I love more when they are accessible to all. I love Africa that reads. Thank you Abantu Book Festival

  7. ha ritwittato
    15 ore fa

    22M+ people in need humanitarian aid. It's the largest humanitarian crisis in the🌎 Here is how the & partners are helping:

  8. ha ritwittato

    Climate change is still moving faster than we are. Thank you to the 23 countries who signed a declaration for more ambition on climate action. I am convening a climate summit next year and look forward to working with all to protect our planet.

  9. ha ritwittato
    15 ore fa

    Will global challenges overwhelm ? Latest UN progress report a wake up call. Numbers of undernourished people in world are rising. Conflicts, , entrenched poverty & unemployment: these must be overcome to achieve

  10. ha ritwittato
    16 ore fa

    Successful registrants will receive a confirmation email tomorrow at 9:00am. The confirmation email will include the time, location and confirmation number.

    Mostra questa discussione
  11. ha ritwittato
    16 ore fa

    Registration for the 'HOUR' on SDGs is now closed. We've had an incredible amount of people register and we would like to thank them all.

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  12. 17 ore fa
  13. ha ritwittato
    22 ore fa

    “Transparency is a cornerstone of our work" -- on Index that once again ranks as 1 of world’s most transparent development aid orgs:

  14. ha ritwittato
    22 giu

    Agree. The is an inspirational project that deserve support and encouragement.

  15. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    "Being kind, having compassion, being empathetic toward other people — those are the important factors of being a human being." Recent St. Thomas grad helps clear a path for fellow refugees

  16. 21 giu
  17. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    My interview with regarding Somalia's politicization of development& humanitarian aid to . all political disagreements should be resolved within Somalia-Somaliland talks, in the meantime development& progress shouldn't be frustrated.

  18. 21 giu

    "... Narrow the gaps. Bridge the divides. Rebuild trust by bringing people together around common goals. Unity is our path. Our future depends on it". — , Secretary-General of the

  19. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    Proud to launch our new Portal! See how w/our partners we support worldwide. Search our projects by country, thematic issues & for 1st time by contribution to the :

  20. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    . commends leaders’ efforts in Ethiopia and Eritrea to achieve sustainable peace and stands ready to provide support.

  21. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    300 people in an community have taken part in an employment scheme that saw a new school, community hall & sanitation facilities built, implemented by SIDO & UNDP as part of a programme to address , w/ funding from the :


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