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  2. Jun 18

    Resilience: A skill your child really needs to learn and 4 ways you can help them develop it: by

  3. Jun 20

    Help us get our most ever likes and retweets for the Headteacher and Year 6 teachers working on their Nae Nae

  4. Jun 21

    Today, like last year on National Indigenous Day, I am spending the day on the land, in the bush learning the language and speaking with elders about land, Indigenous governance, and sovereignty.

  5. Jun 14

    Do you check in with yourself before you arrive to work/ school? How do you know where your resilience is?

  6. 18 hours ago

    Managing is pretty much an exercise in resilience building - emotional and physical.

  7. Jun 20

    Great to hear about & connects to , etc in the context of & in the economies in & . New efforts at are making this same connection to resilience strategies & projects broadly.

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  8. Jun 18

    Today, I'd like to highlight and congratulate Autoridade Nacional de Proteçao Civil Portugese for their series of clips to the citizens behaviour to adopt in Wildfire risk exposure 🔥🌳🌲 👉 👉

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  9. Jun 20

    The ups and downs of . One day you are suddenly not the main but sole breadwinner cause your husband lost his job because he stayed home too often to look after sick children while you worked. The next day you are invited to be a keynote speaker.

  10. Jun 20

    Well done WO2 Mark Hill fantastic teambuilding youth engagement activities youth

  11. 33 minutes ago
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    That sounds familiar- just when you’ve run out of petrol it’s reports, sports day, governance, results, recruitment, appraisals, building works, transition, induction of new pupils and staff, new SDP, inset for Sept etc etc etc! Im nothing without my team

  12. 13 hours ago

    Year 1 have been computing wizards this afternoon. They have used iMovie to create the life cycle of a sunflower!

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  13. Jun 15

    Another inspirational scripture passage that I was reminded of today on the go train....Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you everywhere you go. Joshua 1:9.

  14. 19 minutes ago

    CAUTION: some adaptation actions to in semi-arid zones may work now but are not building or are not says Eva Lundi. Resilient and value chains are key to the future

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  15. Jun 21

    As at time we can only on the mistakes & bad days overshadow. Don’t forget the positive side of this amazing job. There is much joy that can be found every shift, just remember to see it! My own

  16. Jun 20

    Well done Team Larkfields on winning district sports amazing achievement

  17. 2 hours ago

    Don’t ever depend on a person or group for the sustenance of your dream, you’ll be disappointed. Diversify your support structures, and if one fails, redirect to the other. Just don’t stop pushing

  18. Jun 19

    Good morning from ! starts today, bringing together the most motivated from near and far to look at how everything from to to will transform our urban world.

  19. Jun 18

    If you know a family carer for someone with who would like to help us test a new online resource for tell them to email us at

  20. Jun 21

    . It’s all about mindset. From the moment you wake up to the moment you rest your head at night. Everything begins inside your mind. If you change your mindset you have the ability to change your whole world.

  21. Jun 16

    Good outcome. Hopefully + other stakeholders will consider all sources of flooding as they plan for going forward...

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