WWII Siberian Exile


Remembering the Soviet deportations of the inhabitants of the former eastern borderlands of Poland.

Iscritto a febbraio 2015


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  1. ha ritwittato
    22 giu

    The little-known story of Polish refugees who travelled in 1948 to Britain aboard the Empire Windrush, a ship most associated with bringing Caribbean immigrants. They were among the 1.5m Poles deported by the Soviets to Siberia, later ending up in Mexico

  2. ha ritwittato
    8 ore fa

    The front page in 1941. Nazi Germany invades the Soviet Union in Operation Barbarossa.

  3. ha ritwittato
    22 giu

    Our condolences to the family and loved ones of Captain Emil Jan Kornacki, recipient of the Virtuti Militari, the last survivor of the Massacre Living in North America, Veteran of the Polish II Corps, who passed away at the age of 97.

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  4. 23 ore fa

    The town of , Poland, will construct an apartment building with 18 units to house Polish people repatriated from . In the meanwhile, the town has also issued invitations for two families of four to return to Poland:

  5. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    77 lat temu - wojna niemiecko-sowiecka: w czerwcu 1941 r. podczas odwrotu Armii Czerwonej z terenów II RP zagarniętych przez ZSRS w 1939 r., funkcjonariusze NKWD wymordowali w więzieniach tysiące Polaków, m. in. we Lwowie, w Łucku i Wilnie

  6. ha ritwittato
    22 giu

    22 czerwca 1941 uderzył na Związek Sowiecki . Dla III Rzeszy był to początek końca marzeń o tysiącletnim panowaniu nad światem.

  7. 21 giu

    1,044 people in ten cities across read the names of 105,000 Lithuanians who were either imprisoned or deported by the . Organized by , the event began on June 14 & lasted almost 24 hours:

  8. ha ritwittato
    14 giu

    Supreme Court of the Republic of Karelia has overturned the verdict of not-guilty in case of Yury Dmitriev, Russian historian and head of Memorial in Karelia. Dmitriev was acquitted of the child pornography charges only two months ago.

  9. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    Do 10 lipca w Białymstoku na Podlasiu będzie można oglądać wystawę fotografii poświęconą . Wystawę przygotowało Muzeum Pamięci Sybiru. Serdecznie zapraszamy.

  10. ha ritwittato
    17 giu

    On 17 June,1940 Soviets occupied and destroyed my country. Responsibility and appologies are missing even 78 years later.

  11. ha ritwittato
    11 giu

    «Wszystko było tak rożne od tego, co jeszcze tak niedawno przeżywali w łagrach i więzieniach»: druga część wspomnień żołnierza Armii Andersa Władysława Lechowicza

  12. 16 giu

    I'm delighted to read this - Mrs. Goddard is very helpful and patient. Don't hesitate to contact her if you are seeking records.

  13. ha ritwittato
    14 giu

    I tried here to capture some of the insanity of last night's Katyn statue debate but it was a real had-to-be-there kinda thing I think >>

  14. ha ritwittato
    14 giu

    „Przecież nierzadko z przyjaciółmi w nieszczęściu, Polakami, Litwini dzielili ten sam krzyż zesłańca” – powiedział w . Cieszył się że ekspedycja „Misija Sibiras” stanie się projektem międzynarodowym i dzięki do Litwinów, w przyszłym dołączą Polacy

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  15. ha ritwittato
    14 giu

    Dzięki podpisanemu memorandum z Archiwum Prezydenta Republiki Kazachstanu zyska dostęp do wielu unikalnych dokumentów, dotyczących losów Polaków na dalekim wschodzie. 🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿

  16. ha ritwittato
    14 giu

    Russia says it is just digitizing, not destroying Gulag records, after a Russian researcher accused the authorities of destroying the records.

  17. ha ritwittato
    14 giu

    Today do remember the mass deportations conducted by the Soviet Union in the occupied Baltic countries during World War II. June 14, 1941, marked the beginning of one of the largest mass deportations ever carried out by a communist regime

  18. ha ritwittato
    13 giu

    in : in the early hours of of 1941 up to 30,000 inhabitants of & nothern were deported by the Soviets to Siberia, many of them dying during the 3 weeks journey or due to the dreadful conditions at their destination.

  19. 13 giu

    Mari El Republic was also one of the destinations for Polish citizens deported by the USSR during . It's disturbing to read about the possible Soviet era mass grave discovered there....

  20. ha ritwittato
    6 giu

    Od dn. 2 bm. w Karagandzie przebywa grupa badaczy pod kierownictwem prof. Huberta Chudzio w celu zapisu wspomnień Polaków, którzy w latach 1936-1938 byli ofiarami represji stalinowskich. Ambasada RP objęła projekt swoim patronatem honorowym. Szczegóły:


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