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    5 hours ago

    "By imposing artificial caps on migrant flows that are driven by war and chaos, they create the demand for treacherous alternative paths across borders," writes via

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    5 hours ago

    I applaud the House of Representatives for passing more than 50 bills to combat the opioid & drug demand crisis in our country. I hope the Senate will follow suit so the legislation can be signed into law and we can help people & families affected by the crisis.

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    ‘It wasn’t until the 1930s, when Alan Turing drew attention to the originality of her work, that Ada got her due, up to a point.’ Read Rosemary Hill on the mathematician Ada Lovelace

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    9 hours ago

    The US Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that police need a warrant to get cell phone location data about a suspect from telecom companies

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    This infantile rant in pro-imperialist, social-chauvinist magazine New Politics is indistinguishable from neoconservative writing on Nicaragua. Dan La Botz admits there is no significant left-wing opposition and calls Ortega—who was re-elected with 72% of the vote—a "dictator."

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    9 hours ago

    Pour Michel Vakaloulis, enseignant chercheur en sociologie politique à l’université de Paris-VIII, cette sortie « est surtout symbolique, la Grèce va rester dans un régime d’exception ». | Entretien par@cchabas

  7. Retweeted
    9 hours ago

    ¿Realizas investigación en torno al Patrimonio Cultural en riesgo? Apúntate al Quinto Congreso Internacional El Patrimonio Cultural y las Nuevas Tecnologías que organiza el . Consulta las aquí:

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    9 hours ago

    Government investment in resources in the province's predominantly areas has increased dramatically in recent years.

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    10 hours ago
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    Many of you no longer remember what the conflict brought about in the 1990s. Actions of the military forces stopped the bloodshed there in 1992. This region is the only one in Eastern Europe, where - thanks to Russian troops’ – hostilities were not resumed

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  13. Retweeted
    10 hours ago

    Sochi is the name of a scenic seaside resort city in the south of Russia. It is a must-do: visit the Sochi Arboretum, stroll along the embankment bypassing the port and marina, and drop by the Riviera Park. You will be overwhelmed by positive emotions!

  14. Retweeted
    18 hours ago

    In parts of the , the lean season has come early this year in part due to conflict, insecurity, and drought - putting nearly 6 million lives at risk.

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    17 hours ago

    If you develop a pure and sincere motivation, if you are motivated by a wish to help on the basis of kindness, compassion, and respect, then you can carry on any kind of work, in any field, and function more effectively.

  16. Retweeted

    Today is Day of Remembrance and Mourning in in 1941, Nazi Germany invaded . 27 million of Soviet citizens fell during Great Patriotic War, which lasted for 1,418 days Candles lighting ceremony took place at in Washington DC

  17. Retweeted

    Narendra Modi: These are the 3 greatest threats to

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    Vaccine-preventable diseases include: Cervical cancer Cholera Diphtheria Hep B Influenza Japanese encephalitis Measles Mumps Pertussis Pneumonia Polio Rabies Rotavirus Rubella Tetanus Typhoid Varicella Yellow Fever Protected together, !

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    June 22 Amb. of Russia and Amb. of Kazakhstan laid flowers to the Monument of the Red Army Victory over the Nazi Germany in the city of Netanya. The Event was dedicated to the (the Day started in 1941)

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