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  1. 20 ore fa
  2. 7 ore fa

    Ci sono volte in cui mi ritaglio dei momenti solo per pensare a lei, e nient'altro. Subito dopo mi sento investita di una forza nuova, rigenerata, pronta davvero. Lei è la cura. 🎈🏡👭

  3. 20 ore fa


  4. 20 ore fa
  5. 20 ore fa

    Dani is so pure ❤️

  6. 5 ore fa

    There’s just some things in life that’ll always be a mystery. Does God exist. Are we alone in the Universe. What the f*ck happened to Niall.

  7. 5 ore fa

    Exactly Georgia, never judge a book by its cover!

  8. 5 ore fa

    ‘even prettier version of dani dyer’

    Mostra questa discussione
  9. 6 ore fa

    CANNOT send Jacks Ex into the villa . Send EYALS . In fact send Megan’s . Send in their whole family and catalogue of exes . Do NOT TOUCH Jack & Dani

  10. 6 ore fa

    “Keeley is the blonde version of Dani” 😭😭😭😭 greeetin , where about like ????

  11. 7 ore fa

    “Prettier version” HOWLING

  12. 8 ore fa

    Don't do it, please don't do it 🙏🏽

  13. 8 ore fa

    When there's a heatwave but your mates are busy...

  14. 8 ore fa
  15. 19 ore fa

    Anyone else pure waiting for them to say the wrong name in the recoupling for a laugh ? Just me ? 😂

  16. 19 ore fa

    One of my favourite things on is the malfunctions of well known phrases like ‘he’s made his cake’ and ‘you’ve gotta test the fields’

  17. 20 ore fa

    Sam: Gives Adam a telling off for treating girls badly Treats Alex like a gent Chooses Samira for recoupling It's almost as if he's been watching the show....

  18. 20 ore fa

    What happened to Rosie is exactly what happened to Kendall and that my friend is what you call KARMA.

  19. 20 ore fa

    Eyal was on screen for 8.7 seconds this episode yet he still managed to make me feel sick to my stomach. TALENT!

  20. 20 ore fa

    Rosie, are your hips not tired

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