Michelle ObamaAccount verificato


Girl from the South Side and former First Lady. Wife, mother, dog lover. Always hugger-in-chief.

Iscritto a novembre 2011
Compleanno: 17 gennaio


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  1. 18 giu
  2. 15 giu

    To the first-gen students I met in DC yesterday, and those across the country, I want you to know that I’m so proud of you. This is only the beginning of what you will achieve!

  3. ha ritwittato

    Happening now: Join us for a conversation with and our all-star panelists , , , and .

  4. ha ritwittato
    14 giu

    This is a pic of the day I met . I was 21 & an asst. on the set of her cover shoot. Today, at 31, I’ll be moderating a convo with her in DC for on the importance of pursuing higher education. Full circle! Tune into the livestream at 11:15a!

  5. 14 giu

    So excited to join , , and others to meet with first-gen students at the Summit!

  6. 11 giu

    First-gen students are resilient, hardworking & determined. As a first-gen myself, I know the challenges many students face on their journey through college. On Thursday, I'll be taking your questions about college-submit them using . Can’t wait to hear from you!

  7. 24 mag

    As I prepare to share BECOMING this fall, I hope you’ll also think about your own story, and trust that it will help you become whoever you aspire to be. Your story is what you have, what you will always have. It is something to own.

  8. ha ritwittato
    23 mag

    This Center is for the leaders of tomorrow who are ready to step up and build the world as it should be. Michelle and I are grateful to Chicagoans and the Chicago City Council for making it happen.

  9. 16 mag

    I’m so inspired by the young people I met today from the South Side of Chicago, my hometown and the future site of the Obama Presidential Center. These high school seniors have big plans for college and beyond and I’m so proud of each and every one of them.

  10. ha ritwittato
    16 mag

    This week, the convened for the first time as a class to exchange what they’ve learned from their work around the world. Today, and joined them for roundtable discussions on civic leadership and how to create lasting change.

  11. 13 mag

    It’s impossible for any picture to truly capture what my mother, Marian, has meant to me. Happy to all of the moms out there, and especially to my own.

  12. 6 mag

    Thank you to the fierce and fearless , and for bringing together a crowd of thousands to reflect on the , and for inspiring the next generation of leaders.

  13. 5 mag

    Excited to join the Summit for a conversation with ! Today we come together to celebrate everything women have achieved and discuss what barriers we have yet to break.

  14. ha ritwittato

    Going to Wesleyan changed my life. I'm proud of all of you making that commitment to college. Show me your pride, youths of tomorrow! Tell me where you're going.

  15. 2 mag

    Thank you to everyone who supported . I’m so proud of each and every one of these students!

  16. ha ritwittato
    2 mag

    Thanks everyone for supporting ! We’re so proud to celebrate all of the young people making a commitment to get a higher education.

  17. ha ritwittato
    2 mag

    Proudly one of the 16 students UHSA is sending to get that good HBCU education fall of 2018 🖖🏽‼️

    Mostra questa discussione
  18. 2 mag
  19. ha ritwittato
    1 mag
  20. 2 mag

    Congrats, Destiny! College will open so many doors for you. Keep reaching higher and never give up!


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