Vulcan Has No Moon


Born StarDate 2230 in a parallel universe first visited by James T. Kirk and several officers from the USS Enterprise in 2267.

Transporter Room
Iscritto a marzo 2012


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  1. ha ritwittato
    12 ore fa

    The big story yesterday wasn’t the words on a jacket. The big story today isn’t a magazine’s major fuck up The big story then and now is 2,300+ children have been separated from their families by the government and there is no apparent plan to reunite them —30—

  2. ha ritwittato

    Thanks to the Atlanta press for giving me a chance to talk about what still needs to be done in San Juan and Puerto Rico.

  3. ha ritwittato
    6 ore fa

    MESA: Get help with federal agencies at Thursday, June 28th, 1:00-2:30pm, at Mesa Veterans Resource Center (165 N Centennial Way Ste. 101, Mesa).

  4. ha ritwittato
    22 giu

    Please take the time and call your 3 Reps at 202-224-3121 We have the power to stop this. 5 minutes of your time can save Protect the 130 million with 3 calls = 1 or 2 Tweets. Once health care is cut, we can't get it back.

  5. ha ritwittato

    I rarely ask for help but I’m asking now. We need to pressure the govt to reunite families NOW by using a single staging area approach. This can be solved but they need to act immediately before time and distance permanently destroys families. Please trend

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  6. ha ritwittato

    “Phony stories of sadness and grief”?!?!?!?! Why doesn’t Mr. Trump show some guts & join me for the next 5 mother client interviews I conduct about their missing children. Then we can see what he is really made of. In reality, he is weak and ignorant. Total embarrassment.

  7. ha ritwittato
    10 ore fa

    Why is Trump trying to juxtapose families of people killed by immigrant to immigrant families he is ripping apart. Those babies have killed no one. He knows that. Immigrant are LESS likely to commit crimes. He knows that. This is GROSS!!!

  8. ha ritwittato
    3 ore fa

    11) Just as I lack possession of any biological agent that could cause a venereal rash to settle in the throat of a lying fuckmook who is saying that a woman who has had her child kidnapped is a criminal who deserves that fate. These are not threats, you gutless wonder...

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  9. ha ritwittato
    3 ore fa

    1) , , : Still waiting for a cogent explanation of why the common rhetoric of telling assholes to drop dead is prohibited on your shithole platform. But allowing said assholes to slander women who have had children kidnapped is fine by you...

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  10. ha ritwittato
    18 ore fa


  11. ha ritwittato

    Since the "Native Americans were immigrants too" crew is back, thread w/links on why the land bridge theory is BS. Also, again, the US has only existed for 242 years. "Documented" indigenous history on these lands is 13,000+ yrs, our oral histories stretch since time immemorial.

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  12. ha ritwittato
    11 ore fa

    We'll be at ’s office at 20 South Main Street in Janesville, Wisconsin today at 12:30PM asking for a meeting with the Congressman. Young people, meet us there!

  13. ha ritwittato
    10 ore fa

    ’s death is devastating. If you’re blaming his death on him running from police, I suggest you enlarge your understanding of and compassion for why a young, unarmed Black man would fear police, even when he’s done nothing wrong. There are facets and history to this.

  14. ha ritwittato

    Today I visited a shelter in Chicago housing immigrant children who have been separated from their parents because of the Trump Administration’s zero tolerance policy. This heartbreaking situation has only been further complicated by Trump’s Executive Order.

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  15. ha ritwittato

    Done carelessly or hastily, efforts to clean up the voter rolls are prone to error — the effects of which are borne by voters who may show up to vote only to find their names missing from the list.

  16. ha ritwittato
    14 ore fa

    Fact: President Bush tried to get immigration reform passed, but rightwing Republicans in the House killed it. President Obama tried to get immigration reform passed, but rightwing Republicans in the House killed it. See a pattern here???

  17. ha ritwittato
    10 ore fa

    Mueller has added 4 new lawyers from DOJ’s Criminal & National Security Divisions to the Russian troll farm case today. Typically, you staff up when a case is expanding either in complexity or number of defendants. 4 is a lot of prosecutors.

  18. ha ritwittato
    19 ore fa

    Some people will immediately lock in on something negative to justify when a black/brown person is killed by the police, but overlook the facts of their murder. He ran. So what! Running doesn’t warrant a death sentence.

  19. ha ritwittato
    22 giu

    I am seeing WAY too much overconfidence that Democrats will take the House in November. Cook Political has it at 50/50 and I agree. Never underestimate the power of disinformation or the willingness of Americans to sit on the sidelines. Get out there and register voters.

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  20. ha ritwittato
    3 ore fa

    The Mexico-based Volaris Airlines says it will reunite migrant families separated by Trump's zero-tolerance policy free of charge.


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