Legally Privileged       


Eats too much 🍰Tweets are an expression of self (personal), not professional. RTs are usually mistakes, not an adoption of content. 😂🐼🐯😎

Iscritto a gennaio 2018


Hai bloccato @LPrivileged

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  1. 18 ore fa

    The European Withdrawal Agreement (Public Vote) Bill calling for the public to have final say on final deal EU moved by has been published today. Proud to be co-sponsor of this vital proposal on the eve of march tomorrow

  2. 9 ore fa

    The US 🇺🇸 makes more money doing business with the EU 🇪🇺 than anywhere else:

    , , e altri 7
  3. 21 giu

    feel free to share this if you think it might be topical

  4. 8 ore fa

    Millions of dollars? Think again, Trump is spending BILLIONS: - 11,000 children at $500 per night is over $2 BILLION a year - if it grows to 20,000 children it would be $3.6 BILLION - Trump could build his stupid wall for less - but he'd rather lie & con his base - it's a scam

  5. 8 ore fa
    In risposta a , e

    What do you think tax and NI are? Should they pay more than anyone else just because they're 'different'?

  6. 11 ore fa

    Traumatised children don't behave like normal children. Imagine being a child living in constant fear and unable to trust adults, and you will begin to understand something of the world that such children are trying to survive in.

  7. 8 ore fa

    Eurozone governments have granted debt relief on almost a €100bn of loans to Greece. Here's how the deal will work and what it means for the future of Greece's public finances. Read more:

  8. 8 ore fa

    Please follow and together lets help end the stigma around addiction and mental health issues & help them reach anyone thats struggling

  9. 9 ore fa

    Businesses and Federations have met with May for months. She's mollified them, she's pretended to listen to them, and now they see her desperate attempts to keep a disastrous 'no deal' option, they are speaking out. Good. She's abandoned them, and us.

  10. 8 ore fa

    YEP 65 million EU citizens getting conned and deprived of their rights.

  11. 8 ore fa

    Serious question: If the president’s allowed to cheat the system and break the law, what makes it so bad if immigrants do it?

  12. 8 ore fa
  13. This does not state that it was Cameron who thought Turkey in the EU was OK, and the EU set high standards which means they're not in... So they're not in. Despite the UK trying for it.

  14. Annulla
  15. 19 ore fa
    In risposta a , e

    British intelligence services are considered some of the very best in the world, with GCHQ's ability to 'extract data' from ALL of its citizens being a 'benchmark' for allies and enemies both - they know exactly what happened - our piece from Feb' 2018:

  16. 10 ore fa

    There are 660,000 illegal immigrants in the United States from European countries, the vast majority of them white. Yet, you don't see a single one of them have their children stripped away, raided, or locked up in cages. We all know why.

  17. 8 ore fa
    In risposta a

    4m unemployed by 2021. Fantastic, yeah.

  18. Annulla
  19. Unite warned everyone in 2016. So what will make pm listen. She doesn't do anything other than what she wants..

  20. 9 ore fa

    Brexit full stop Len. The Brexit you are backing you disingenuous nonsense


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