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  1. Jul 4

    Due to an early hunger season, 1.6 million children are likely to suffer severe acute in this year, a 46% increase compared to the 2017 estimation. Humanitarian and development aid is direly needed. 🇳🇪🇲🇱🇸🇳🇲🇷🇧🇫🇹🇩

  2. Jul 5

    Throwing it back two summers ago to the rehearsals for my Tabla concert 🏖

  3. Jul 4

    Up to 6.5 M people risk severe food insecurity in the coming months as the June-August lean season progresses. More humanitarian info in

  4. Jul 3

    Marassi Twin-house 3 bedrooms + nany room with private bathroom Available from today Price : 7500 per night For more details: 01115587884

  5. Jul 6

    Climate change, conflict and instability are devastating the region. The situation might seem hopeless, but with support, communities are beating the odds to grow crops in the desert. 🌱 shows us how ▶️👇

  6. Jun 30

    Mali: Katibat (Brigade) Salah Eddine pledged allegiance to IS and joined ISGS earlier this year released short video supposedly during clashes with MSA and GATIA.

  7. Jul 3

    Happening .. -backed ethnic militia destroys villages Peulh, stealing cattle and setting fire in , Central (via wires) .. Shades of in the making..(sponsored, financed & orchestrated by the French State).. just so the WORLD IS FORWARNED!

  8. Jul 4

    By deploying a Level II hospital in , North Mali, the & are providing support to Malian Armed Forces & the local population. The hospital boasts latest medical technology. It could also be used to support future AU deployments in North Mali & the region.

  9. Jul 2

    PBC Chair 2018 stressed that the remained a clear priority for the Peacebuilding Commission moving forward, saying that it would be the exclusive focus of the Annual Session later in the year.

  10. Jun 28

    The region of Africa is of great strategic importance to Spain & Europe. The fight against terrorism, irregular immigration & illicit trafficking are all priority issues. Spain is committed to working with countries in the region to ensure stability & economic development.

  11. Jul 3

    Bamako: deploys Long Term Election Experts and Observers to , ahead of Presidential Elections on 29 July 2018. The Observers and Experts were received and briefed today by High Representative for Mali and the , President .

  12. Jul 5

    faces enormous economic & security challenges. gaps in all sectors are exacerbated by threats 2 peace & security. Women & girls, 50.2%, are the most vulnerable 2 poverty & violence.

  13. Jul 4
    Replying to

    Economic interests. The Horn is near a main supply road and a very strategic position to monitor all East to West naval activities. Nothing significantly goes through apart from smuggling.

  14. Jun 29

    At the moment number of casualties remains unconfirmed. However According to 4 assaillants arrested and 2 killed. 2 SG5 soldiers killed and 4 injured. Based on images available major damages done to the camp inside and outside.

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  15. Jun 29

    “A clear priority for our work is the region,” emphasized the PBC Chair . This year, the Commission's Annual Session, which is scheduled to take place in the fall, will focus exclusively on the Sahel.

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  16. Jul 2

    A well detailled story about the Sahel crisis by ! Take time read it to unsderstand what is undergoing in the northern and .

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  17. Jul 5

    Just released report by found that the rise in violent extremism in the central is mainly a reaction to states' inability to provide security and services, and has little to do with religious ideology

  18. Jul 2

    Strongly condemn attacks on G5 Joint Force and Op Barkhane in this weekend with civilian and military fatalities. There can be no justification for indiscriminate attacks and we stand with all the forces working to secure peace.

  19. Jun 27

    Deputy Secretary-General ⁦⁩ meeting Diplomats from 10 countries to discuss Support Plan to the region. Turning challenges into opportunities.

  20. Jun 30

    High-level event on the along the margins of the 31st Summit in Nouakchott, Mauritania

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