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  2. Aug 27

    Civilized women don't kill men and other women with ...guns They kill each other with Vacation Pics on Whatsapp & Facebook 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  3. Aug 28

    The day you are removed from office will most likely become a National Holiday. You suck and everybody hates you.

  4. : Research shows that a mother cow's calls are individualized—she has a different call for each of her calves.

  5. Obama 2 years ago feeding homeless in DC hes not in goofballs. Hes on vacation in europe doing what he does best nothing.

  6. 17h

    Racism was Almost DEAD In America Until Obama, Thanks to Democrats Who elected him. EB

  7. 14h

    Jonerys haters are: daenerys or jon haters, or frustrated shippers.

  8. : Nearly 300 chickens are slaughtered in the U.S. each second 💔🐔

  9. : Humans kill between 150 billion and over 2 trillion fishes a year

  10. : Pigs are the 5th most intelligent animal in the world.

  11. : Tail Docking involves cutting through the sensitive skin, nerves, and bones of calves' tails without any painkillers.

  12. Aug 28
  13. RG is a nonce

  14. Aug 26

    Portuguese people are so hot

  15. 1h
    Replying to and

    It is a that rich storing their $ in off shore accounts is a YUGE detriment to our economy, shrinking the middle class

  16. 3h

    First thing any invading force wants to do is to destabilize the country... just like has been doing since jump st.

  17. 3h

    just so you know pissed herself today @ wings

  18. 3h

    Conspiracy: Alexis Lee has a sew-in 😤👏🏼

  19. 3h

    Logic is very under appreciated

  20. 4h

    The food pyramid killed Diana.

  21. 5h

    a lot of fans should be thanking since he's one of the reasons why their favs get to eat and pay their bills.

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