Wally Shorebet


🤠Super Patriot 54yo Retired. Trump Make America Great Again. Vets First Respect Gets Respect 🇺🇸🇦🇺✝️❤️

Iscritto a ottobre 2013


Hai bloccato @whatzmatteryou

Vuoi davvero vedere questi Tweet? Procedendo non sbloccherai @whatzmatteryou

  1. Tweet fissato
    23 feb
  2. ha ritwittato
    7 ore fa

    Our first duty, and our highest loyalty, is to the citizens of the United States. We will not rest until our border is secure, our citizens are safe, and we finally end the immigration crisis once and for all.

  3. 6 ore fa
  4. ha ritwittato
    8 ore fa

    We are gathered today to hear directly from the AMERICAN VICTIMS of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. These are the American Citizens permanently separated from their loved ones b/c they were killed by criminal illegal aliens. These are the families the media ignores...

  5. ha ritwittato
    8 ore fa

    "You don't hear these stories, and some of the media won't talk to you about it..."

  6. ha ritwittato
    13 giu

    FIELD UPDATE: Starting with the arrest & conviction of an Australian man for live-streaming sex abuse, officials traced & convicted a trafficker in Cebu w. IJM’s help. Join us in praying this case will continue to unravel, leading to more rescue of children in the Philippines!

  7. 8 ore fa

    Pedophile hunters confront Home Office employee accused of grooming 12yo girl — RT UK News

  8. ha ritwittato
    18 giu
    In risposta a

    There are tens of thousands of homeless people scattered across this city in tents. At what point do you stop pandering to people who aren't even citizens here & clean up your own city? It's getting disgusting.

  9. ha ritwittato

    Elect more Republicans in November and we will pass the finest, fairest and most comprehensive Immigration Bills anywhere in the world. Right now we have the dumbest and the worst. Dems are doing nothing but Obstructing. Remember their motto, RESIST! Ours is PRODUCE!

  10. 16 ore fa
  11. 21 giu

    President Trump Participates in a Roundtable Discussion on Protecting Am... via

  12. 21 giu

    Twitter's Hypocrisy is Off The Charts via

  13. 21 giu

    😍😍😍😍BLACK LACE - Agadoo (1984) - STEREO via

  14. ha ritwittato
    20 giu
    In risposta a
  15. 20 giu
  16. 20 giu

    What They're NOT Telling You About the Migrant Crisis via

  17. Annulla
  18. 20 giu

    The REAL Issue With Illegal Immigration via

  19. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    Racism didn’t work. Sexism didn’t work. Rigging the election didn’t work. Russia didn’t work. Gun control didn’t work. Stormy Daniels didn’t work. Nuclear war with NK didn’t work. So now they’re blaming Trump for a law they had 22 years to change but didn’t? Yeah. That’ll work!

  20. 20 giu
  21. ha ritwittato
    19 giu

    Families are separated everyday day in Chicago when a child is shot and killed but The Democrats and the Liberals don’t want to talk about that.


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