
The Refugee Affairs Secretariat provides protection and registration services to all refugees and asylum seekers in Kenya.Motto: Refugees are real people.

The Castle House,Lavington
Iscritto a aprile 2014


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  1. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    We call on greater private sector and development partner involvement, to forge new ways of doing things for instance through digital learning that is transforming the lives of the refugees

  2. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    The beautiful Oromo ladies adorned in their cultural dress. More than 80% of Ethiopian refugees in Kenya are women and children.

    , , e altri 7
  3. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    We have a consistent flow of visitors to the partners' exhibition tents. Support for refugees should be a collective responsibility . Play your part in this noble course

    , , e altri 5
  4. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    thanks the Kenya government for hosting refugees and for allowing them move freely in Kenya as they pursue their dreams with ,, .

  5. 20 giu

    Theme of the is "Include all,empower all" in Kenya in reference to the CRRF.

  6. 20 giu

    Close to 68m people have been forcefully displaced all over the world: says with

  7. ha ritwittato
    13 giu

    Camps must not be stigmatized, it's the home for a refugees as we work around integration

  8. 13 giu

    Kagwanja: integration is a personal matter but the government has a duty by law to provide minimum documentation to persons including refugees.

  9. 13 giu

    Job Opportunities are very limited hence we urge the private sector to come in and feel the gap, Mr. Makori says.

  10. 13 giu

    We are supportive to refugees in education,employment and business because the law says so. We will make sure you stay in school. We will fix any delays henceforth. .

  11. ha ritwittato
    13 giu

    BAHATI: Give a woman fish, she will cook a delicious meal but Teach a woman to fish and she will feed the entire community

  12. 13 giu

    Emannuel: another refugee student scored A- in KCSE and was top student in Kirinyaga County works with Equity Bank. ,

  13. 13 giu

    Bahati: fellow refugee students please stay in school. She also urges the government and NGOS to help refugees stay in school. .

  14. 13 giu

    The private sector is free to do business in refugee camps of Dadaab and Kakuma. Says the Ag. Commissioner for Refugee Affairs Mr. Makori.

  15. 13 giu

    Refugee hosting areas are business free areas. We concur with report,Kakuma as a market place. With .

  16. ha ritwittato
    13 giu

    We are looking at a dramatic shift from what we normally do. Looking at refugees as contributors to building local economies in where they reside says .

  17. ha ritwittato
    13 giu

    Change is already happening in Kalobeyei and in Kenya in terms of refugee management: .

  18. ha ritwittato
    13 giu

    Refugee hosting question from the eyes of a South Sudanese student at the Parklands Arya Girls Secondary School. Her essay analyses the nexus between state security and refugee protection. Impressive!

  19. ha ritwittato
    13 giu

    Panel discussion on a new approach for refugee protection. This approach emphasizes inclusion of refugees in all facets of life while in displacement.

  20. 13 giu

    The themes for today is,"include all empower all" .


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