Sonia Zapata


Lawyer. Leader Foro Penal Norway. Founder of The Norwegian Venezuelan Justice Alliance. Concerned w/ Human Rights, Freedom & Democracy in Venezuela.Views mine

Joined June 2017


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Jun 11

    Honored to have participated in debate about Venezuela at the EU parliament last week organized by and with interventions by & moderated by

  2. Retweeted
    3 hours ago

    Jeg bringer like så godt inn og på denne jeg...

  3. 4 hours ago

    UN General Sec recognizes the gravity of the abuses committed in Venezuela as per Report of the UN Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights

  4. Retweeted

    Venezuela es un país pobre. Muy pobre. Los ricos son Cilia Flores, Diosdado Cabello, Rafael Ramírez y los hijos de Chávez, entre otros.

  5. Retweeted
    5 hours ago

    Carlos Aristimuño is a Venezuelan political prisoner. His health is suffering due to digestive internal bleeding. He must be let out asap!

  6. 5 hours ago

    Carlos Aristimuño is a Venezuelan political prisoner. His health is suffering due to digestive internal bleeding. He must be let out asap!

  7. 9 hours ago
  8. Retweeted
    9 hours ago

    Cuando te preguntan: "Diego por qué apoyas tanto a los tiranos comunistas como Castro y Maduro, si tú tienes tantos vicios y derrochas tanto dinero en porquerías, en vez de donarlo a los niños humildes del mundo?"

  9. 9 hours ago
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  10. 9 hours ago

    Here is a more complete article Geraldine was shot on the face twice. Can the world continue to remain silent? Should not states that are part to the Rome Statute demand to open formal investigations? Where is their solidarity?

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  11. 9 hours ago

    Geraldine Moreno is one of the Venezuelan cases that hurts the most. In 2014, she was beaten up for protesting. She was only 23; an athlete and a good girl but they killed her. needs to move forward ! More info here 👉🏻

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  12. 11 hours ago

    Wilfredo Rey was killed by Maduro’s Regime in 2014. He was 31 years old. We are waiting for the to open formal investigations of all these cases without unnecessary delays.

  13. 19 hours ago

    Doctors & workers from Misión Barrio Adentro (previously a clearly chavista neighborhood) protesting. Note the threats from the officials saying “we are bringing more guards” to scare them away. This is the real

  14. 19 hours ago

    Ivan Duque (newly elected Colombian President): “the exodus of Venezuelans will not stop until Maduro’s dictatorship is ended”. He”s calling for meaningful support from the Int Community

  15. Retweeted
    Jun 21

    Escucho sobre los análisis del efecto de las remesas para optimizar la economía de Venezuela y siento un duelo hondo. Se habla como si las remesas tuvieran vida propia. Lo cierto es que, detrás de cada remesa, hay un venezolano desterrado y una familia venezolana destruida.

  16. Retweeted
    Jun 20

    Por favor, en la Clínica Loira está la madre de Elvira Gómez una de las jovencitas gravemente heridas en la tragedia del club El Paraiso. Otra de sus hijas murió y ella pide ayuda para salvar a Elvira. Quienes deseen colaborar vayan a la Clínica Loira y ayuden a pagar los gastos

  17. Jun 21

    EU Commisioner for Humanitarian aid reports on Venezuelan crisis; so do many other qualified experts, states and NGOs such as What will it take then for the world to take action?

  18. Jun 21

    EU Parlament member will go on a mission to the border between Venezuela and Colombia. We are truly grateful for her genuine concern and the support we are getting from her and from the EU Parliament!

  19. Retweeted
    Jun 20

    This graph shows how much coffee one can buy with the minimal wage. Observe that every date corresponds to an executive order in increasing the minimum wage. Conclusion, the higher the minimum wage the poorer are the people. Freaking!

  20. Retweeted
    Jun 19

    Al sobrino de Calixto Ortega, Calixto Ortega Sánchez, tuvo que dejar la vicepresidencia de Finanzas de Citgo porque le revocaron la visa en EEUU y ahora es presidente del BCV

  21. Retweeted
    Jun 20

    This month we're sending medicines and donations to


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