
Hiya! We transform our thoughts into visuals & words. Please tag us if you post our work. G'day! All the love, Lynn & Shia. IG: twilit_thoughts (fc=fish&chips)

Zonko's, Hogsmeade / TARDIS
Iscritto a febbraio 2016


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  1. Tweet fissato
    28 mag
    , , e altri 4
  2. 21 giu

    This journey isn't a new. Unborn and eternal. Still, born by their illusive power (maya). Ancient. Present. Future. In His lotus-throne...

  3. 21 giu

    So many prayers, meditations, talks... Light is off. It's raining. It's beautiful. Was disturbing you for the whole day. Crying to you. Dream is coming true. It's official! Can't believe! Guru Sishyas🌹! This is enough. Thank you!

  4. 21 giu

    Diversity is beautiful. One thing we all have in common is love. Love resides in the hearts of all beings. Thanks for bringing us all together, the humans in this reality with your soulful music. Thanks for being the light, for showing the path to worlds, AR. .

  5. 20 giu

    Meditated on this same exact spot 3 years ago. There was just bare grass, nothing else. Now, there's a tree. There's life. It's a great blessing to connect with Mother Nature. Thank you, Universe. Thanks for choosing us.

  6. ha ritwittato
    17 giu

    Eh-Oh! Happy ! Hope you and your little ones are playing and having lots of Tubby fun on this very special day.

  7. ha ritwittato
    17 giu

    "Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success."- Swami Vivekananda

  8. ha ritwittato
    15 giu

    When scientists start throwing the word "weird" around, you know things are getting interesting in the cosmos. In this case, scientists are particularly baffled by a group of mysterious objects have been found hanging around the center of the Milky Way.

  9. 14 giu

    Preach! Go forth and conquer, ladies! Sending all our love to our sisters around the world who are bold, persistent and strong in smashing patriarchy in their own way. Thank you! Let's stand together and keep going!

  10. ha ritwittato
    13 giu

    It's ✌️ Here's how saved Olympian from a lifetime of bullying! 🥋 👉

  11. ha ritwittato
    13 giu

    This brilliant teen found a simple way to recycle styrofoam!

  12. ha ritwittato

    For anyone saying that Democrats are hypocrites because they aren't thrilled that an American President is legitimizing a despotic tyrant who murders his family members in order to stay in power, please watch this and then kindly f off.

  13. ha ritwittato
    11 giu

    Me: there's no way I could love Andrew Garfield more than I already do Andrew: hold my beer

  14. ha ritwittato
    10 giu

    Andrew Garfield blasts the Supreme Court's same-sex wedding cake ruling: "The new generation is diverse as hell. And it's not something to be afraid of. It's a f---ing party." (Watch)

  15. 10 giu

    , . Thanks a lot, AR, for always radiating love, kindness and positivity, for showing us the path, for bringing us to worlds. You’ve helped us emotionally, mentally and spiritually, cosmically. All the love, Lynn & Shia.

  16. 10 giu

    One year since we revealed our to the this world. Thank you, Universe! Thank you, AR! Thank you, God!

  17. ha ritwittato
    10 giu

    This elderly man was struggling slowly across a busy road in China - but luckily, help was at hand!

  18. 9 giu

    What are plankton? Why are they so important? What are the things that threaten plankton? How can we tackle the issue? Read here.

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  19. 9 giu

    Interesting read. Phytoplankton produce about half of the world’s oxygen but plastic pollution is killing them. Come on, people, we need to do something. Say no to single-use plastics and go green.

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  20. 8 giu

    Let's ban single-use plastics. We can make this happen. We are the solution. Sign this manifesto:

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  21. 8 giu
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