IOM-UN Migration Agency is committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits migrants and society. Follow IOM UN Migration Agency in DRC.

Democratic Republic of Congo
Joined March 2013


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  1. Jun 6

    IOM’s population mobility mapping (pmm) in mbandaka with Ministry of Health and WHO. Ebola Response Bulletin | 5 june 2018.

  2. Retweeted
    May 28

    Je me réjouis du partenariat stratégique entre , Ministre de la santé de la et pour limiter les risques de propagation le long to fleuve Congo, voie ancestrale @RDC

  3. May 21

    Disturbing news from Katanika displacement site in where a fire ravaged today, destroying more than 1000 shelters and leaving around 1000 households without shelter for the night is on the ground assessing the situation

  4. May 16

    works tirelessly to reunite unaccompanied and separated children with their families. This year IOM has reunified 20 boys and 42 girls with their families in

  5. May 9

    recently distributed 5450 tarpaulins to households throughout North Kivu in

  6. Retweeted
    May 5

    "Migrants have always been agents of development, so if we don’t let them come, then we deny ourselves that." 📺 Watch interview with :

  7. May 3

    This night heavy rain and strong winds caused damage in Kalunga displacement site in Tanganyika is on the ground assessing the situation

  8. Apr 27

    continues to relocate IDPs from spontaneous sites to planned displacement sites. Today the team visited grounds in which after site planning will host 2000 IDP households

  9. Apr 26

    inspects the 200 shelters recently constructed by its team in . 7000 sticks and 100 kg of nails were used to construct these shelters. Soon they will be covered by tarpaulins and ready to host IDP families

  10. Retweeted
    Apr 18

    The 6-step remediation process set forth by guidelines helps downstream companies and their business partners respond to incidents of & exploitation in their supply chain

  11. Retweeted
    Apr 18

    The guidelines for victims of in Mineral Supply Chains go beyond due diligence; they provide practical guidance to companies on how to take incidents forward when victims have been identified in the supply chain

  12. Retweeted
    Apr 17

    A positive development as the forum in Paris unfolds- the London Metal Exchange requires all its producers to meet standards that adhere to OECD guidelines

  13. Apr 18

    "we simply cannot ignore the speed, and magnitude of the crisis in the "

  14. Retweeted

    "The international community needs to strengthen its support to the Congolese people.” Jean-Philippe Chauzy, head of :

  15. Apr 6

    is happy to share the news that the Government of Canada is now supporting its humanitarian response for in

  16. Apr 5

    In March transferred 2627 to an organised displacement site outside Kalemie from this spontaneous collective centre in Tanganyika where the IDPs had lived for over a year in dire conditions

  17. Mar 20

    welcomes funding from for its humanitarian operations in focusing on , primary and

  18. Retweeted
    Mar 16

    With support from works relentlessly to improve the living conditions of in Tanganyika province but much more must be done

  19. Retweeted
    Mar 13

    Extremely harsh living conditions for living in the Magloire collective centre in . Relocation to safe, properly planned & managed sites a priority for

  20. Retweeted
    Mar 13

    To the courageous displaced mothers, daughters and wives of Kalunga site in . They deserve our full support to help them through this crisis and help them resume safe and productives lives


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