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  1. 24 ore fa

    Oggi su racconto di due artiste straordinarie Julie Maroh e Nova, e del festival Bande de Femmes organizzato dalla meravigliosa Libreria delle donne Tuba

  2. 2 minuti fa
  3. 6 minuti fa

    This is superb! Women should be given every opportunity to add to the development of a nation and society. !

  4. 14 minuti fa
  5. 14 minuti fa
  6. 18 minuti fa

    Maldives Councillor suspended by LGA for participating in political activities organised by her own political party- now takes up sewing to earn an income - says she won’t be intimidated. This is These women must be recognised

  7. 22 minuti fa
  8. 23 minuti fa
  9. 23 minuti fa
    In risposta a , e

    I got a better idea, you should squad up with other gamers that are as terrible as you in Survival and stream your sessions together 🙌 FTW.....maybe

  10. 24 minuti fa
    In risposta a

    Haayeee Ram kudiyo ka hai zamana.... True

  11. 25 minuti fa

    Women Drive the world today as we all know. It was a matter of “when” and not “if” for this ban to lift. Drive ahead Women and push every barrier, demolish every restriction put on you by stereotypes, rituals, religion, governments or countries.

  12. 29 minuti fa
    In risposta a

    I agree us girls need to all stick together x

  13. 49 minuti fa
  14. 50 minuti fa

    We can do everything a person is deemed fit to do. Not a man, not a woman but a person.

  15. 56 minuti fa

    avec Valérie Gauvin qui joue dans l'équipe feminine de Montpellier HSC

  16. 58 minuti fa

    my style changes everyday and my all days changes my style so i woukd say its casual chic😉

  17. 7 ore fa

    Danna Scully es mi role model.

  18. 15 ore fa

    Mancano poco più di 3 ore e comincerà un giorno storico per le donne in Potranno infatti finalmente prendere la patente e guidare la macchina

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