NO. Take them back to Africa. Will send a very strong message to people traffickers and migrants who think they can invade Europe.
Yes! Let these people die. A strong message indeed
Let them make their own country better by fighting for freedom justice and peace. Every civilised country has had to do it. Including England Scotland Wales and Ireland.
Soldiers were sent to die in world war 1 to gain metres. If you didn't you were shot. Women were hanged accused of being witches. Innocent people were executed from capital punishment. Gay people were imprisoned. Women were objects for Men. Children were put in orphanages.
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NO. Take them back to Africa. Will send a very strong message to people traffickers and migrants who think they can invade Europe.
Stop illegal invasion of Europe !!!!Ask Europeans peoples their permission first !!!! Enough of those shitty organizations that modify our lives against our will.
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U are not appealing to 'concerned governments' u are expecting a small number of Christian, European countries to accept a never-ending invasion from young, Muslim men who are economic migrants or, worse hostiles invaders. Are u aware of what they are doing to our daughters?
Grazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla
Send the invaders to Poseidon.
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You've been warned about this for a very long time. If you want something useful to do, go fix their countries. Governments should charge deportation and repatriation fees to you.
Grazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla
Can you explain to me why they can't be taken back to Africa where they came from and why Western Europe has to accept them when we are a fraction the size of Africa?
Grazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla
Grazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla
The jig is up.
#CloseThePorts and to hell with your replacement migration, white genocide, new "Europeans", human trafficking scam. EUROPE FOR EUROPEANS!Grazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla
I am just waiting for the NGO's to print that everyone in board is a doctor or nurse and will add great benefit to Europe. Unlike the millions of other illegal migrants who are costing the taxpayer billions a year. Stop illegal trafficking
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There are 650 000 000 more that urgently need everything you’ve worked for!! Give it away you didn’t need it.
#sarcasmGrazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla
How many refugees? Probably none. You are supporting illegal people smugglers. Take them back where they came from. Do it enough times and they will learn it’s not worth trying anymore. Why should European taxpayers support them?
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arrest the captain - repatriate the migrants - sanction their governments or force their countries into the EU to get investment from EU to build their economies properly - stop assisting corrupt regimes
this is a rescue / search & recuse mission / fine, but EU cant take care of what it has either, 10000 are living in tunnels, abandoned stations, many more in cam sites, no build programs like - North Africa should be a big building site by now , inward investment rolling in !
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