

A platform and program by fostering belonging, leadership, and connection among young refugee and migrant women through art, media, and tech

Joined August 2017


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    29 Aug 2017

    Our ED featured as an woman changing the lives of across the world in

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    Listen 2 A.L. share her journey as a young woman refugee en route from Syria to establish roots in Greece. Your support has allowed us to reach many brave young women like A.L. in Sweden, France, England & Greece to share their lived experiences as a means of igniting change ➡️

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    ➡️in Greece where we worked w/ brave young , & women. We can’t stop now. Join our crowdfunder Her Routes & Roots: Mapping Hope today.

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    Flashback 2 our #2016 Campaign in where we asked the public to finish the statement...Connects me to refugees. Flash forward #2018 your giving has brought our program to 4 countries, most recently Skaramagas Refugee Camp ➡️

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    Jun 20

    Humans should help other humans. Where they come from is irrelevant.

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    Jun 20

    From refugee camp to runway: model Halima Aden has this message on .

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    Jun 20

    How’s this for a fact - Uganda is the third biggest host of refugees in the world. More here:

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    Jun 20

    We encounter Jesus in those who are poor, rejected, or refugees. Do not let fear get in the way of welcoming our neighbour in need.

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    believes young people carry experiences, perspectives, and resolve that when harnessed, mobilize a force for good. Be the difference. Give today. ➡️

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    It’s Refugee Awareness Month.  Did you know “Syrians continued to be the largest forcibly displaced population in the world, with 12 million people at the end of 2016.” [USA for UNHCR} Through our gender-sensitive voice program young refugee and migrant women ➡️

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    like YP from Syria are given platform 2 share lived experiences promoting healing w/in themselves & others. To help click donate on our home page

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    Her{connect}Her is a platform and program for young refugee and migrant women. 100% of participants believed they could apply skills learned through our program to gaining or advancing employment and empowering themselves economically. ➡️

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    Your contributions help build a connecting network among vulnerable young women. Learn more at today.

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    Jun 15

    Black women are more likely to have been unarmed when killed by police than non-Black victims. We must center Black women’s experiences when discussing solutions

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    Coming this Wednesday - June 20th - Our Her Routes & Roots: Mapping Hope CrowdfundHer.  The power of your giving has brought our evidence-based award-winning narrative programming to young women refugees and migrants in 4 countries including Skaramagas Refugee Camp in Greece.➡️

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    Now we continue to expanding our programming through leadership training supporting both healing and economic empowerment for these brave young women globally.  Your support generates ➡️

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