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#SDG Report 2018 was launched, revealing that conflict & climate change were major contributing factors to increased hunger & forced displacement, among other challenges. …Grazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
The US should be “stepping up, not stepping back” given the state of human rights today, the UN High Commissioner tweeted, echoing comments by
@antonioguterres that he would have “much preferred” the US to remain. …Grazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
In a statement,
@antonioguterres said that an uptick in conflict in Syria “had resulted in the displacement of thousands of civilians, the majority of whom are moving towards the Jordanian border.” …Grazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
UN Human Rights High Commissioner Zeid’s appeal to the UN Human Rights Council to mount a high-level investigation, follows a new report by his office into Venezuela, detailing serious abuse allegations.
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"There is an urgent need to protect past gains, and move forward to secure equality for women everywhere,” said the Working Group on Discrimination against Women in Law and in Practice on Friday
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"We call on the Government of the US to release these children from immigrant detention and to reunite them with their families," UN human rights experts said Friday
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Japanese law professor Yuji Iwasawa will join the 14 judges at the
#ICJ following separate but simultaneous voting processes in#UNGA and the#UNSC on Friday Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
“On this International Widows’ Day, let us remember that widows are heroes, working hard to keep families, communities, and societies together following the loss of their spouses,” said
@UN_Women chief@phumzileunwomen …Grazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
Moves in certain countries to strengthen laws criminalizing rape & sexual violence are “key" to eliminate discrimination against women, the Working Group on Discrimination against Women in Law and in Practice said on Friday …
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There is a new judge elected to the
@UN Int Court of Justice@CIJ_ICJ. Yuji Iwasawa replaces Judge Hisashi Owada, who stood down citing his advanced years and his daughter is soon to be Japan's new Empress Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
#HumanRightsCouncil “in 10 years’ time will look different”, a former#HRC Vice-President tells UN News, preferring to call it “evolving” instead of “reform.” …Grazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
#UNNewsInBrief 22June: •#US#childmigrant policy reversal ‘fails’ thousands already held, say UN experts •@UNHumanRights chief calls for intl probe on#Venezuela •#Womensrights face global pushback from conservativism, fundamentalism, UN experts warn …
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"Shocking accounts of extrajudicial killings" in
#Venezuela prompt@UNHumanRights chief#Zeid call for international inquiry. Rule of law is "virtually absent" Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
Group of independent
@UNHumanRights experts calls on US gov to release#migrant children - many asylum seekers - from detention and reunite them all with their families Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
Global conference of national
#UNitetoCounterTerrorism chiefs next week will help build resilient States,@UN Counter-Terrorism Office chief, Vladimir Voronkov tells UN News. Hear his in-depth interview here …Grazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
Counter-terrorism chiefs gather
@UN HQ next week for first global conf to fight terror and boost national resilience. We sit down with Counter-Terrorism chief Vladimir Voronkov for in-depth interview@UN_CTED Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
“More than 688,000 people remain internally displaced, and another 568,000 are refugees in neighbouring countries,” said
@UN_CAR head, Parfait Onanga-Anyanga. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla -
#UNISPACE50 exhibition: Science fiction becoming reality Glimpses of the UNISPACE+50 exhibition, which features over 40 exhibitors showcasing the latest advances in space technology …
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Myanmar's new UN envoy, Christine Schraner Burgener, called for “credible fact-finding measures & highlighted the readiness on the part of the United Nations and the international community to cooperate,” in this regard.
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With heads of the world’s
#counterterrorism agencies slated to meet next week at UNHQ in NY to discuss ways to fight the growing threat, Vladimir Voronkov,#UN counter-terrorism chief, explains the significance of this first-ever high-level conference. …Grazie. Twitter lo utilizzerà per migliorare la tua cronologia. AnnullaAnnulla
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