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Iscritto a maggio 2007


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    21 giu

    Muhammad bin Salman could transform the Arab and Islamic world for the better. Can he succeed? Our cover this week

  2. 4 minuti fa

    . tells The Economist "we have an illness in the American system. Trump reflects a pain and illness that is a feature of American life"

  3. In 2016, some 11,100 Nigerian women landed in Sicily, and 80% entered a life of forced prostitution, according to estimates

  4. You can learn a lot about a society by examining who or what it reveres. You can learn more by studying what it is afraid of

  5. ”When they go low, we go high.” Michelle Obama’s grand words from 2016 have withered in the heat of the new era

  6. 1 ora fa

    Since he became president, his monstrous tendencies have emerged in a brutal anti-drugs campaign and authoritarian rants

  7. 2 ore fa

    John Podsnap was convinced of England’s superiority. Many people in Britain today suffer from the opposite delusion

  8. 2 ore fa

    Large firms are using algorithms to screen candidates seeking junior jobs

  9. 2 ore fa

    .’s language is alive to the Sunshine State’s lush, beguiling beauty

  10. 2 ore fa

    A new generation of e-bikes and e-scooters are sure to become a permanent part of the urban-mobility mix

  11. 3 ore fa

    The notion of the late Habsburg era as a warning coexists with nostalgia for its glamour—epitomised by the gold leaf on a Klimt painting

  12. 3 ore fa

    . is a makeover show, but one which brings contemporary issues to the fore in almost every episode

  13. 3 ore fa

    Support for leaving has declined notably in the two years since the Brexit vote

  14. 4 ore fa

    City officials hope that such a symbolic investment will direct more development westward

  15. 4 ore fa

    How would you build a more open world? We want to hear from you. Enter our video contest

  16. 4 ore fa

    Economists often find that poor residents are more likely to stay put if they live in gentrifying neighbourhoods

  17. 5 ore fa

    The ideas of Michel Foucault help explain one of the most important, but least understood, skills in business

  18. 5 ore fa

    America’s withdrawal will only make it harder to improve a body that has, despite its flaws, shown signs of promise

  19. 5 ore fa

    America has lost a fifth of its newspapers since 2004. But local dailies and weeklies still account for 60% of all papers sold

  20. 6 ore fa

    In his dissent, Chief Justice Roberts took issue with the majority’s claim that tax rule brings fiscal devastation to the states

  21. 6 ore fa

    Elections among hereditary peers undermine an undemocratic, but still effective, part of Britain’s political system


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