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  1. Tweet fissato
    23 apr

    I'm increasingly excited about our model of a homeless-run animal shelter we've created. The care our (formerly) homeless employees now give is highly professional and amazingly loving. We're now launching the adoption campaign. To help fund this project:

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  2. ha ritwittato
    8 ore fa

    Nancy Pelosi [through a megaphone outside an ICE child prison]: We hereby DEMAND that the Trump administration have its dinner reservations honored at our nation’s upscale bistros

  3. 5 ore fa

    Washington's 2 leading Democrats chide Maxine Waters (via )

  4. 6 ore fa

    I continue to find it fascinating how the Democratic Party establishment has almost fully united in opposition to these two exciting Democratic women, who are challenging corporate-funded, corruption-tainted, machine-boss dynastic-prince politicians:

  5. ha ritwittato

    - Day before the primary - Only 2 candidates in the race - I triggered 1st primary in 14 years Yet some journalists STILL refuse to say my name. Our👏🏽 names👏🏽 are👏🏽 👏🏽 and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez👏🏽 and we👏🏽 are coming👏🏽 for you 👏🏽 ¡Coño!

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  6. ha ritwittato
    9 ore fa

    The idea that "due process" is not a requirement of "judicial process" was also invoked by then-AG Holder—to defend the targeted killing of US citizen Anwar al-Awlaki. As I wrote then, that analysis was based on a serious misreading of precedent:

  7. ha ritwittato
    9 ore fa
    In risposta a
  8. ha ritwittato
    9 ore fa

    Didn’t the Obama administration say something similar re drone strikes and US citizens?

  9. 9 ore fa

    "They miss Dad" - , Communications Director of the Hillary Clinton campaign and Obama White House Communications Director, on why people are longing to hear more from Barack Obama

  10. 12 ore fa

    How a CBP agent accessed the travel records of a journalist - and then used those to try to blackmail her - is a huge, huge story that's getting nowhere near the attention it deserves:

  11. ha ritwittato
    18 ore fa

    A ⁦⁩ hoje faz um editorial hipócrita demais, o “Humor sem veto”: há quase 10 anos a empresa censurou judicialmente o blog Falha de S. Paulo, criado por mim e meu irmão e ainda pediu dinheiro por “danos morais”

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  12. ha ritwittato
    14 ore fa

    Crivella e seu menino de recados, o Paulo Messina, querem taxar em 11% a previdência dos aposentados da cidade do Rio! Assine a petição e nos ajude a impedir essa barbaridade! Tira a mão da aposentadoria do povo, Crivella!

  13. 16 ore fa

    To see how corrupted DC think tanks are, just read this unbelievable quote from New America's Anne-Marie Slaughter, justifying the debacle where they fired a critic of Silicon Valley's monopolies after Google's Eric Schmidt, a huge funder, complained

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  14. 16 ore fa

    That article reviews how under fired a critic of big tech because Google's Eric Schmidt - a huge funder - was offended. Brookings is worse: captive to Wall St & Qatar . Many of CAP's biggest funders are anonymous but includes UAE:

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  15. 16 ore fa

    Of all the corrupt institutions in Washington, the leading think tanks are among the most destructive, because of their pretense to high-minded neutrality. They are, in fact, captive to the agenda of their corporate & regime funders

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  16. 16 ore fa

    The NSA’s hidden spy hubs in eight U.S. cities by

  17. 17 ore fa

    If anyone knows Nadia Riva of and can help with this, please let me know:

  18. 17 ore fa

    A young Syrian Kurdish refugee who had to flee Syria one year before completing his veterinarian studies due to the war now operates a clinic for stray animals in a refugee camp in Erbil, with almost no support.

  19. 18 ore fa

    Exactly. A journalist or pundit gets 4,000 or 8,000 re-tweets or likes & thinks: "wow, I really made an impact; what I said has widespread popular appeal." In fact, it's just a tiny sliver of like-minded comrades cheering for its own sake. That's the delusional lure of Twitter.

  20. 18 ore fa

    Yes, this is indeed a huge & over-looked story: a Customs and Border agent gathered information on a journalist's travel movements and tried to blackmail her with it. There are lots of questions around the Ali Watkins story but this is by far the biggest

  21. 18 ore fa

    After reported on Howard Dean's sleazy influence-peddling of the type DC has legalized - including big payments from an Iranian regime-change cult - he insinuated that we're funded by Russia and Iran (ironic, since he's secretly paid by numerous special interests).

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