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  1. Retweeted
    Jun 20

    Asco y bronca total. Dejen de defender a esta institución de mierda

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  2. Retweeted
    Jun 21

    Our group leader is keynote speaker & is about to start her communication @ the 3rd International Congress of CiiEM on Research and Innovation in Human & Health Sciences, org. by Egas Moniz - Cooperativa de Ensino Superior.

  3. Retweeted
    Jun 20

    En su edición de hoy, The Guardian ha publicado los nombres de 34,361que han perdido la vida intentando llegar a Europa. Visto así, esto recuerda otros tiempos.

  4. Jun 8

    Curso de Mixed Methods - Metodologias Mistas de Investigação em Saúde: 13 e 20 de Outubro de 2018 no ISPUP!

  5. Retweeted
    Jun 6

    New paper out: Recommendations for : 1) identify networks & types of support on asthma daily management; 2) explore interactional factors to understand patient attitudes towards asthma, from & . More at:

  6. Retweeted
    Jun 4

    Braga, 6 junho 2018, 10h30 | "Cancros, estórias e objetos de mulheres resistentes: a doença oncológica entre sociedade, arte(s) e ciência(s)", com Susana Noronha, investigadora do | 1ª sessão do Seminário Permanente Ciência com e para a Sociedade, apoio

  7. Retweeted
    May 30

    Dia Mundial sem Tabaco 2018 | associa-se às comemorações da , que convida todos os países a intensificarem o controlo do tabaco para diminuir mortalidade por doenças cardiovasculares.

  8. Retweeted
    May 30

    PhD positions on ethical and social aspects of genomics. Who wants to join our team?

  9. May 28

    Social support and the intimate partner violence victimization among adults from six European countries | Family Practice | Oxford Academic

  10. Retweeted
    May 26

    New paper out: Development of a smartphone app to evaluate the quality of public open space for physical activity: An instrument for health researchers and urban planners from . Find out more at:

  11. Retweeted
    May 25

    The open seminar "Ethics in transnational forensic DNA data exchange in the EU" with , from | has just started!

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  12. May 19

    "Porto terá banco de leite humano e Lisboa vai fornecer mais hospitais"

  13. Retweeted
    May 19

    O Curso Intensivo de Literacia em Saúde organizado por , & começou há pouco na biblioteca da Reitoria !

  14. Retweeted
    May 19
  15. Retweeted
    May 17

    The role of inflammation as an intermediate actor between less advantaged social conditions and unhealthy aging, explained by from

    , , and 2 others
  16. May 14
  17. Retweeted
    May 4

    New paper out: “Social Capital in Transition(s) to Early Adulthood: A Longitudinal and Mixed-Methods Approach”. Find out more at:

  18. Retweeted
    May 4

    New paper out: "Knowledge about HIV, HBV and HCV modes of transmission among pregnant women in Nampula – Mozambique". Find out more at:

  19. Retweeted
    May 3

    RHIPEX: a new tool to assess Roma health policy implementation by 50-day free access here:

  20. Retweeted
    May 2

    After Horizon 2020, we will have “Horizon Europe”. Check here why I suggest this new name for our next programme. 🇪🇺

    , , and 3 others

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