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  1. 7 ore fa
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  2. 8 ore fa
    In risposta a

    stop the and guarantees 0% refugees 0% illegal immigrants 100% law-abiding emigrants. of Cameroon should be STOPPED in his drive to extinct MUST

  3. 8 ore fa

    face from annexationist . It is a . The bigger crime might well turn out to be ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ taking sides with the . Help ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩.

  4. 10 ore fa

    Ambazonians will not accept any humanitarian assistance from their number enemy in the world French Cameroon responsible for killing rapping,burning schools, houses and businesses in Ambazonia.

  5. 16 ore fa

    My dear , especially the Restoration Forces, our only & utmost duty now is to Make ungovernable for/by the colonial & oppressive terrorist thugs of LRC but governable for & by Ambaz.

  6. 23 giu
  7. 23 giu

    Retweeted andybest (): Serious on-going war in Southern Cameroon today, very sad indeed that the world are watching the people of and wiped out from this earth, must be free.

  8. 22 giu

    on by as a taxi man and a passenger shot death this evening 22 June 2018 in Bamenda mile 4 Nkwen

  9. 21 giu
  10. 21 giu

    Is $23M aid to bribe Southern Cameroonians aka by of French enough to: - rebuild 53+ burnt villages - 1,500+ killed - 200,000+ internally displaced - 60,000+ Refugees and above all, the determination of Ambazonians for statehood?

  11. 20 giu

    Fellow , any is offering you now is not nearly enough to repair the misery it has caused in our lives. will formally pay for this misery when we get and go after them legally. !

  12. 20 giu

    FCFA12 billions being raised by cameroon gov to buy consciences won't bring back hundreds who have died nor make us divert from our focus . Buea is our last bus stop, call for negotiations now.

  13. 19 giu
  14. 19 giu
  15. 19 giu
  16. 17 giu

    A war of is launched on us, Not for what we did, but for who we are, for reaffirming our unique Identity as . While the world looks on, we must Unite like one man and Fight!!!

  17. 17 giu

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