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  2. "They fought WWII with us and we appreciate it," says of Canada. Ahem. Wee reminder: Canada was in that war two years before the U.S. entered it.

  3. 12 minutes ago

    CBC Calgary has unblocked me. I thank them, but I hope they give their original action a bit of thought. I want to thank followers and others who came to my defence - and, for that matter, for defending the right of Canadians to hold their public broadcaster to account.

  4. 19 hours ago

    It seems that Conservatives across Canada have coordinated a whine-fest about equalization - the plan they approved while in power, the extension of which was in the budget. They maintained a studious silence and now belabour how they were "tricked". Unbelievable.

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  5. Jun 20

    It’s almost like Justin inherited his money and is only prime minister because of his daddy 🤷‍♂️

  6. BREAKING: Canada is legalizing cannabis. The marijuana legalization bill has officially passed. In an historic vote of 52 to 29 the Senate approved the legislation. Legalization is set to take effect in 2-3 months. The official date will be determined by the government

  7. General advice for and other Canadian politicians. If your sources come from the Fraser Institute and The Toronto Sun, it's probably a good idea to fact check them and double check the math. Better yet, get a math tutor and stay away from federal budgets.

  8. Jun 19

    Canada Customs has special dogs that do nothing but listen for artificially old-sounding shoes.

  9. 5 hours ago

    I hear Faith Goldy is blah-blahing about an illegal immigration crisis that Canada absolutely doesn't have. 🙄 So here is a real problem that absolutely does have - people like Faith Goldy.

  10. Jun 21

    Where are you going to find $1,100 to pay for Justin Trudeau's failed Liberal policies?

  11. 11 hours ago

    Andrew Scheer's refusal to discuss Hamish Marshall/release his private fundraising details is the Occam's Razor of : those with something to hide feel the need to hide it, those with nothing to hide disclose without being asked. History has proven this right.

  12. 7 hours ago

    Meet Georganne Burke, a campaign staffer for Andrew Scheer and the founder of the Islamophobic group, Canadian Citizens for Charter Rights and Freedoms (C3RF). This is who and the has in their inner circle.

  13. Jun 21

    Who is Canada's Finance Minister ?? I have not heard a single comment or seen a release on the current trade battle from the Finance Ministry ??

  14. Jun 20

    The CBC's coverage of the marijuana story was like a remake of Reefer Madness starring Andrew Scheer, with no mention of all the young lives our drug laws have ruined. No wonder they call it the Con Broadcasting Corporation.

  15. 4 hours ago
    Replying to

    Sunglasses are an ethics violation, but lying constantly is not? I guess it depends what the definition of 'ethics' is.

  16. Jun 20

    Between 2000 and 2012, Liberal and Conservative governments cut Canada’s corporate tax rate in half. The result? Corporate cash reserves ballooned to $700B, total public debt soared to $1.5T, and CEO incomes doubled. Net change in employment was 0%.

  17. Jun 20

    It’s World Refugee Day: an excellent day for to stand up to his fine words on behalf of refugees and suspend the Safe Third Country agreement with the US — which is anything but a safe country for refugees Action, not words

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  18. Jun 21

    The lives of the refugees who sheltered are in danger. Today we launch a major fundraising campaign to bring them to safety in Canada. Please. Share this video. Together we can save 7 lives. Donate now:

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  19. That'll teach him! Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Pays $100 Ethics Penalty Blacklock's Reporter

  20. 20 hours ago

    Andrew Scheer also lives in one. It has 37 rooms, extensive grounds, a chef, a chauffeur & an administrator. is not only petty & dishonest, he's either extremely stupid or he thinks his supporters are. Anyone can google this stuff.

  21. Jun 21

    How can anyone with a measurable IQ believe that the Liberals are taxing away 94% of every extra dollar earned when the marginal tax rate on the 5th tax-bracket is 33%. Mr. Scheer, you've simply got to stop lying. I've avoided the l-word until now, but the shoe fits.

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