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Joined March 2007


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  1. A Chicago teen, shot in the head, was covered with a sheet by paramedics. He died nearly a day later.

  2. 1 hour ago

    "Welcome to America": TIME magazine announced its new cover this week that shows President Trump and the two-year-old Honduran girl crying at the US-Mexico border

  3. 4 hours ago

    President Trump claims Democrats are telling “phony stories of sadness and grief” about immigrant children separated from their parents. unpacks it all on the podcast 🎙

  4. 6 hours ago

    Actor Dean Cain, who played Superman in "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman," was just sworn in as a reserve police officer by the Idaho State Police

  5. 7 hours ago

    NASA has a new plan to stop asteroids and help scientists detect near-Earth objects they haven't been able to find before

  6. 8 hours ago

    There's a difference between a policy being unpopular and it actually changing how people vote

  7. 8 hours ago

    If Britain crashes out of the EU next year without a transition deal in place, Airbus says the outcome would be "catastrophic," throwing its production into chaos and threatening its future in the country

  8. 8 hours ago

    Italian scholars say they have unearthed the first known piece by Renaissance genius Leonardo Da Vinci

  9. 8 hours ago

    It's a big world out there, full of fantastic beaches. We tried to narrow down the best:

  10. 9 hours ago

    The big business of housing immigrant children

  11. 9 hours ago

    Two strains of the herpes virus may play a role in Alzheimer's disease, researchers say

  12. 9 hours ago

    No, you don't need to "detox," and activated charcoal can even interfere with your body absorbing necessary vitamins and medications

  13. 9 hours ago

    A Japanese employee has been docked half a day's pay for leaving his desk three minutes early for lunch

  14. 9 hours ago

    The report notes that the US has highest child mortality rate of 20 rich countries and among the highest child poverty rates in the developed world

  15. Chloe Dykstra is speaking out after her ex-boyfriend, TV host Chris Hardwick, denied allegations he sexually and emotionally abused her

  16. Host nation Russia scored five goals against Saudi Arabia and another three against Egypt at this year’s . Here’s how the lowest ranked team became one of the biggest surprises so far in the tournament:

  17. Where I grew up, 'Sex and the City' offered a vision of liberation |

  18. At what age should your child start using social media?

  19. Elvis' private jet is up for auction

  20. How's your lunch break looking today?


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