Russian Mission UNVerified account


Official Twitter feed of the Russian Mission to the in NY / Официальный Twitter-аккаунт Постоянного представительства Российской Федерации 🇷🇺 при ООН

New York, USA
Joined August 2011


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  1. Pinned Tweet

    The Security Council under the presidency elected Yuji of Japan to the International Court of Justice

    , , and 5 others
  2. We welcome delegates and staff to foretell results of by filling out the brackets () and placing it in the box located in office no later than June 26! Predict 4 semi-finalists, 2 finalists and Champion!

    , , and 7 others
  3. There have been no emergencies recently that would have provided ground for a consideration of this issue in the . Appropriate discussion should be conducted within the framework of the existing bilateral and international formats of the settlement.

    , , and 7 others
  4. : has never been shying away from the discussion on the settlement, we actively support relevant existing international formats, including 5+2 negotiation process.We are committed to the political settlement as one of its mediators and guarantors

    , , and 7 others
  5. Many of you no longer remember what the conflict brought about in the 1990s. Actions of the military forces stopped the bloodshed there in 1992. This region is the only one in Eastern Europe, where - thanks to Russian troops’ – hostilities were not resumed

    , , and 6 others
  6. : There is no consensus in on the draft res. tabled in . On June 19 president made a special statement criticizing this initiative. The country is divided on this issue, and we are involved into PR-actions dictated by domestic political reasons.

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  7. Retweeted
    6 hours ago

    On June 21 met with Secretary-General. Experts of the Club and journalists discussed with the distinguished guest the UN role in the contemporary world and the prospects of emergence of a truly multipolar world order

  8. Retweeted

    The UNSC has amended original data and profile of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist group by adding Hayat Tahrir ash-Sham (JaN's new name after merger with other groupings) to the UNSC sanctions anti-terrorist list. No more room for double standards on this one

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  9. Retweeted
    Jun 20

    The End of - mechanism. What Stands Behind the Russian “No”? expert Anton Utkin analyzes 7th report

  10. Retweeted
    , , and 3 others
  11. Retweeted
    Jun 21

    Prime Minister of 🇹🇯 is making a closing statement at . Conclusions drawn, final declaration adopted. A firm milestone for & inspiration for action. From our side, 🇷🇺 stands ready to share its best practices in sustainable water management!

    , , and 4 others
  12. Friday, 22 June 2018 at the : - Elections ICJ (A.M.)

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  13. Обеспокоены возможной Южной Атлантики в контексте спора вокруг архипелага. Надеемся на то, что стороны будут строго соблюдать свои международные обязательства по Договору о запрещении оружия в Латинской Америке.

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  14. неизменно выступает за решение спора о суверенитете над архипелагом Мальвинских (Фолклендских), Южных Сандвичевых островов и островов Южная Георгия политико-дипломатическими средствами напрямую правительствами Аргентины и Великобритании с учетом резолюций .

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  15. Retweeted

    Courage of the "Blue Helmets" in the Central Africa Republic

  16. Since 2008 has provided assistance to 110 States, sending more than 800K metric tons of cargos. In addition, Russia acts as an active member of humanitarian donor community, constantly expanding and diversifying its contributions to and agencies.

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  17. States play the primary role in the initiation and control over action performed on their territory. They also bear the primary duty and responsibility to provide protection and humanitarian assistance for the affected population.

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  18. : Humanitarian agencies must work in strong compliance with the principles outlined in res 46/182. Such approach guarantees maximum effectiveness of humanitarian response and non-politicized nature of assistance.

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  19. : Государства призваны играть первоочередную роль в инициировании и координации реагирования на собственной территории, нести основную ответственность за обеспечение потребностей нуждающегося населения.

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  20. За последние 10 лет 🇷🇺 предоставила содействие более 110 государствам мира, направив в общей сложности более 800 тыс. тонн гуманитарных грузов. - также донор гуманитарных усилий , постоянно наращивает объемы своего содействия ее профильным организациям.

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