World Health Organization (WHO)Account verificato


Our mission: Promote health, keep the world safe, serve the vulnerable. We are the United Nations' health agency. It's time for

Geneva, Switzerland
Iscritto a aprile 2008
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    22 giu

    Vaccine-preventable diseases include: Cervical cancer Cholera Diphtheria Hep B Influenza Japanese encephalitis Measles Mumps Pertussis Pneumonia Polio Rabies Rotavirus Rubella Tetanus Typhoid Varicella Yellow Fever Protected together, !

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  2. Vaccines are safe and effective. !

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  3. Here is what you can do to soothe a child during vaccination. !

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  4. is one of the most contagious diseases ever known. When people do not get 2 doses of the vaccine against measles, the disease spreads quickly. When enough people get immunized, everyone in the community is protected. Yes, !

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  5. 22 giu

    Through childhood, adolescence and into adulthood to protect health at every stage of life no matter where you live.

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  6. Every year, immunization prevents 2-3 million deaths and additional illnesses and disabilities from 26 diseases. !

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  7. 22 giu

    Globally, 1 out of 10 children never receive any vaccination. This must change. to ensure !

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  8. 22 giu

    Vaccine-preventable diseases include: Cervical cancer Cholera Diphtheria Hep B Influenza Japanese encephalitis Measles Mumps Pertussis Pneumonia Polio Rabies Rotavirus Rubella Tetanus Typhoid Varicella Yellow Fever Protected together, !

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  9. 22 giu

    Ensure you and your family are fully protected against vaccine-preventable diseases. Check with your doctor to see if your vaccinations are up-to-date. Yes, !

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  10. 22 giu

    Through childhood, adolescence and into adulthood to protect health at every stage of life no matter where you live.

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  11. 22 giu

    Globally, 1 out of 10 children never receive any vaccination. This must change. to ensure !

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  12. 21 giu

    WHO’s disease surveillance system can work even when doctors and health workers are in remote areas, using their smart phones to enter even when they are offline. The information will be updated when the device is connected to internet

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  13. 22 giu

    The hunt for continues in the remote areas of 🇨🇩. Marie-Roseline Bélizaire and her team travel over hundreds of kilometers by motorcycles through the remote rainforests to visit communities at risk and follow up contacts of confirmed cases.

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  14. 22 giu

    When it's hot 🥵: ✔️ 🥤 & non-alcoholic fluids, even when not - it will help to prevent heat-related illnesses ❌Don’t drink liquids that contain caffeine, alcohol or large amounts of sugar. These cause you to lose more body fluids & worsen

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  15. 21 giu

    In Cox’s Bazar, , thanks to the correct , WHO followed each patient and provided preventive medicines and vaccines to their family members. This helped in containing the outbreak.

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  16. 21 giu

    In , WHO is providing much-needed fuel to ambulances and health facilities as well as more than 10 million litres of water; 6 surgical teams; 5 emergency mobile teams and 6 primary health teams.

  17. 21 giu

    Each week dozens of disease alerts come in from 170 health facilities spread across camps as well as the general population in Cox’s Bazar, . WHO examines all of them and, if more evidence is needed, a team is sent out to investigate

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  18. 21 giu

    Taming the outbreak in Cox’s Bazar, , has been a combined effort of the government, WHO and partners. Technology was one of the key tools of the response.

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  19. 21 giu

    WHO’s disease surveillance system can work even when doctors and health workers are in remote areas, using their smart phones to enter even when they are offline. The information will be updated when the device is connected to internet

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  20. 21 giu

    I met Mohammed in the asylum seeker centre in Athens today. He is from Syria. He had polio and now relies on a wheelchair. All his medical needs are taken care of by the Greek government but he dreams of going back home to be with his wife and daughters


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