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  1. Jun 20

    To anyone who thinks that refugees should just "go back to where they came from" - please watch this.

  2. Jun 20

    Humans should help other humans. Where they come from is irrelevant.

  3. Jun 19

    GOOD NEWS: 932 people have been welcomed so far to Northern Ireland under the Syrian resettlement scheme. Later this week, the 1,000th person will arrive. We should be proud. We can do more.

  4. Jun 20

    An incredibly heartwarming image from Budapest's Keleti station where volunteers set up a projector for refugee children to watch Tom and Jerry cartoons. Just look at the smiles on their faces.

  5. Jun 19

    “Refugees are not terrorists. They are often the first victims of terrorism.” — António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres ❤️

  6. Worldwide, there are 13 million displaced Syrians in need of humanitarian assistance. In the first 3 months of this year, the US had accepted 11 - or 0.00000085% - of them. On we commit to do better.

  7. Refugees who are fleeing war, violence, and persecution deserve our compassion, not vilification

  8. Jun 20

    Offering a helping hand is the least we can do. Ask yourself how you would react if you and your family were suffering from hunger, war, or both? Blame those who create these situations, but please treat those it impacts with humanity and dignity

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  9. Jun 20

    is today. Here are a few of these beautiful human beings we welcomed into our nation. They are focused, determined to give back to the nation that welcomed them. How are you welcoming these future citizens?

  10. The President’s abhorrent immigration policies are under attack – as they should be – and so he is refusing to own them. I resent Donald Trump casting blame on others for his own moral failures. (1/2)

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  11. On , Congress must send a strong message that the U.S. will not abandon our world’s most vulnerable.

  12. Jun 20

    Let's remember to be human on and every day.

  13. Jun 20

    It's ! Our partners at work tirelessly to help those whose lives have been shattered by conflict and disaster. Join us today in supporting refugees! Act now here >>

  14. Jun 18

    As part of our Refugee Initiative, we’ve committed to hiring 1,500 refugees over the next five years. Here are some of the incredible stories from those who’ve joined the team so far.

  15. Jun 20

    On , I'm a proud cosponsor of and 's bill, H.Res 395, to reaffirm U.S. commitment to protect refugees.

  16. Jun 20

    A reminder for you, : "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

  17. Jun 20

    On , Congress should send a message that the U.S.—whose story was written by those fleeing oppression and hardship—will not abandon the most vulnerable populations. I'm proud to support H.Res 395, to reaffirm our commitment to protect refugees.

  18. On , we lift up all of the people who came to this country as refugees & are now a cherished part of the fabric of our nation. Thank you to our partner org for all that you do to warmly welcome newcomers to the U.S.

  19. Jun 21

    So proud that agreed to my amendment on refugee voting rights today!

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