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  2. Jun 29

    Haiti National Basketball team unfairly disqualified from the AmericaCup 2021 Carribean Pre-Qualifiers after winning 5 games. Please retweet so reconsiders this decision.

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  3. Jul 4

    Martissaint neighborhood of 's capital after rain this morning. Govt corruption means no infrastructure for sewage & garbage = disease & sickness. Children & elderly are most vulnerable.

  4. 16 hours ago

    This is the they don’t show you on the news.

  5. Jul 4

    Greek Revolution. Haitian Volunteers. In 1822 sent 100 Haitian volunteers to fight for the Greek Revolution, along with 45 tons of coffee, to be sold in order to buy gunpowder. However they never arrived to . The ship was lost, probably attacked by pirates and sunk.

  6. 21 hours ago

    I promise we are not dealing with y’all anymore! 😩

  7. 1 hour ago

    : Pelerin road in hills above capital paralyzed by residents this morning to protest decree seizing their land by order of Pres. J. Moise to create security perimeter for his private residence & construction of a helipad.

  8. Jul 4

    In Fort Liberte, where time seems to stand still.

  9. Residents of Pelerin hills above 's capital burn a police car in protests against illegal land grab by corrupt president

  10. Motorcycle taxi drivers paralyse transport center in 's capital to protest govt corruption allowing monopoly of Morally Repugnant Elite (MRE) to raise gas prices to unprecedented levels. People already can't afford to eat or send kids to school. They live in garbage.

  11. Jun 30
  12. Jun 30

    Extremely disappointing piece on Filled with tired stereotypes, misinformation and lazy reporting. What a shame such a great opportunity to write about this wonderful country was completely discarded.

  13. Why was the presidential motorcade taking this detour through Montagne Noire earlier today rather than its normal route via Laboule Road. Perhaps they are trying to dodge the rock pelting near tension filled Pelerin. Meanwhile Arcahaie & Croix des Bouquet remain block.

  14. Protesters blocked presidential motorcade from entering area of Pelerin hills above 's capital. Residents say he is stealing land that has been in their families for generations.

  15. The best way to help an entrepreneur is to challenge him/her with a contract that will multiply sales by 1000 with a deadline. Its the greatest stress but thats how entrepreneurs grow: You scale or you die! We need more people with deep pockets trying this strategy in 😁

  16. Jul 4

    Courtoisie de "Haiti Tourism Inc.", a great page to like if you love . Luv those colorful taxi boats...

  17. tax office (DGI) has asked residents in 5 whose homes have been targeted for demolition to bring documents proving they legally own their property.

  18. 1 hour ago

    As situation intensifies in 's capital, more reports of killing by heavily armed gangs allied with ruling party.

  19. Roads blocked throughout 's capital today to protest corrupt govt conspiring with monopolies of Morally Repugnant Elite (MRE) to raise gas prices.

  20. 1 hour ago

    It’s Catherine O’Halloran here, and I'll be taking over the Road to Hope’s social media for the next few weeks! I‘m a rising sophomore and one of the RTH’s summer interns. I went to Haiti for the first time in March and can’t wait to share some of my favorite memories! :)

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